Hello everyone,

I have the iPhone 12 mini. I have had it for a few months now. I love it! Before I got it, I was using the 10 XR.

Anyway, I have noticed something odd. I can't say for certain when I first noticed it. And I am also not quite sure if it is somehow my phone, or the Voiceover voice of Alex.

But I have noticed that some words sound odd to me. I can't think of any examples at the moment. And for this I do apologize. It seems though that letters sound as though they are dropped. Or that the word is not written correctly. Now I do tend to mis-spell a good deal, and I have to go back and correct stuff.

However, the other day i was sending a text with a word in it that ended in the letters E, D. I can't remember what the word was now, or I would have just written it. But when I read my text back to make sure it was correct, I had to view the word character by character, to make sure it was correct.

It was. But Alex spoke it as though the d wasn't there.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Does it happen with other voices?

I have tried other voices in the past. But I always come back to Alex. It used to seem clearer to me.

What do you all think?

Any thoughts or suggestions are much appreciated.

Thank you,


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