Hello, listers:

I am thinking some of you iPhone users who live in Austin and Houston may be familiar with the Hail-a-Cab Austin and Houston iPhone apps. I have been using Hail-a-Cab Austin for several years - I started when the iPhone 4 was still hot stuff. When the app first came out, its functionality was great. I could do everything I needed to do. As IOS upgrades came along, things seemed to start breaking. Are any of you having the following problems: a. Searches by Street name or place name do not work Nothing is returned, even for major landmarks. I can request a trip and give a destination only if the place I'm going to is one I have used before If I want to go to a new place, I have to request the trip and leave the destination blank. b. I can only a request a trip that I need right away. If I wanted to request a future trip, for tomorrow morning, let's say, I am unable to do so. When the app was new, the date and time pickers worked properly. Under IOS 7, if the pickers worked at all, then nothing would happen when I hit the "done" button. With the arrival of IOS 8.02, the app responds strangely. If I double-tap "Now", I hear an alert sound, and VoiceOver says there is no content to display on the screen. The only thing I can do at that point is close the app through the app switcher.

I checked the product reviews for Hail-a-Cab Austin in the App StoreOnly 47 have been submitted - and I was one of those. 80% of reviewers rated the app with only one star. I have called Yellow Cab about problems with the app for at least a year, with no results. It's hard not to conclude that no one cares about fixing the problems with the app.

Have any of you already submitted reviews through the App Store? Have you called Yellow Cab to report any difficulties you are having? Do you have other advocacy suggestions? Please do not suggest that I use Uber or Lyft - they are illegal here.

Kathy Blackburn

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