On 05/01/2017 09:29 PM, Chen Hanxiao wrote:
> At 2017-05-01 20:58:47, "Eric Blake" <ebl...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 04/30/2017 04:33 PM, Cole Robinson wrote:
>>> Is there an easy way to move a qemu VM into the crashed state? So I can test
>>> IIRC this logic was based on how old xen behaved, crashed was really a 
>>> shutoff
>>> type of state, but my recollection is fuzzy.
>> I think you can use the pvpanic device to achieve that, although I
>> haven't attempted it myself any time recently.
> Yes, pvpanic device could help:
> 1) add a pvpanic device
> 2) change <on_crash> from restart to:
>     <on_crash>preserve</on_crash>
> 3) use  sysrq-trigger to crash the guest.

Ah cool, never tried that before. Thanks, I've pushed your patch now

- Cole

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