On 05/09/2017 12:53 PM, William D. Colburn wrote:
> On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 12:32:26PM -0400, Cole Robinson wrote:
>> The em1 naming is set by biosdevname software inside the VM. I think it
>> determines the name based on some smbios data, so there might be a way to
>> inject that info into the VM, but another option is to disable biosdevname at
>> install time so the physical machine sticks with eth0. Google 'biosdevname'
>> and you'll find steps for disabling it
> I could do that, but I'd really rather not fight against the future.  If
> network devices are going to be em1, then I'd prefer to use em1.  I can
> see how to change the device in a vm to be em1 after it is created, but
> not how to force it at virt-install time.  I'm just trying to simplify
> the path to transition a vm-installed disk to being a live disk.  Thanks
> though.

Now I find this:


Which seems to suggest that biosdevname explicitly ignores virt setups, so
even with proper smbios data it may not give you em1 inside a VM.

Plus, biosdevname isn't really the future, since it's already been replaced by
systemd predictable network naming in rhel7+ for example. Not sure how that
works for getting a reproducible nic name across different machines though

- Cole

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