Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:12:41AM +0300, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
>> At Rusty's suggestion, I tested vhost base performance with ping.
>> Results below, and seem to be what you'd expect.
> Rusty, any chance you could look at the code?  Is it in reasonable
> shape? I think it makes sense to merge it through you. What do you
> think?  One comment on file placement: I put files under a separate
> vhost directory to avoid confusion with virtio-net which runs in guest.
> Does this sound sane?  Also, can a minimal version (without TSO, tap or
> any other features) be merged upstream first so that features can be
> added later? Or do we have to wait until it's more full featured?
> Finally, can it reasonably make 2.6.32, or you think it needs more time
> out of tree?

I think 2.6.32 is pushing it.  I think some time is needed to flush out 
the userspace interface.  In particular, I don't think Mark's comments 
have been adequately addressed.  If a version were merged without GSO 
support, some mechanism to do feature detection would be needed in the 
userspace API.  I think this is likely going to be needed regardless.  I 
also think the tap compatibility suggestion would simplify the 
consumption of this in userspace.

I'd like some time to look at get_state/set_state ioctl()s along with 
dirty tracking support.  It's a much better model for live migration IMHO.

I think so more thorough benchmarking would be good too.  In particular, 
netperf/iperf runs would be nice.


Anthony Liguori

> Thanks very much,

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