bryan rasmussen wrote:
Basically I want to use the bookmarks application without the current
interface, I just want the data. To post/put bookmarks for a user, to
query and get it out etc. but to reuse as much as possible of the
current Bookmarks application, because I am lazy and pressed for time.

So I was wondering if there are some tutorials on interacting with the
data, not querying the data because I can see there is that but stuff
like this from the bookmarks faq:
How do I import my bookmarks from other applications?

You can include any bookmarks from Firefox, Internet Explorer or any
book marking system. First, you must save your bookmarks from the
other application to a file. Then to import your bookmarks, select the
"Import" ICON and then browse to the location of the file and select
this file containing the exported bookmarks.


rewritten with select the "Import" ICON replaced with something like,
start up curl and Post the contents of your XML file to the following


I believe it would be best to use WebDAV for that particular example. After all, the Bookmarks UI just gives you a view of the user's DAV home-collection.

I've just used cadaver(1) from a linux box to upload a file to my DAV homedir:

PUT /DAV/home/tim/rdf_sink/bookmarks.html HTTP/1.1
Host: pip:8889
User-Agent: cadaver/0.23.2 neon/0.28.2
Connection: TE
TE: trailers
Content-Length: 631659
Authorization: Digest username="tim", realm="DAV", nonce="c7e7d3e04f5bd686d2
> [...]

and it appears just fine in a view of the Bookmarks app in a browser.

More interestingly, because I put it in the rdf_sink/ collection, the Sponger will have been invoked to pull triples out of it.

Aside from this I am wondering about VAD files, is there a
specification for these somewhere (all I find by googling is the
description of them as a package format and the acronym)? When I open
them in my text editor they look like basically an aggregation of text
documents, XML files, XSL-T files, Sparql queries etc. But according
to the top of the document  - This file consists of binary data and
should not be touched by hands - what is the purpose of having it
binary, if I want to create my own VADs where is the spec?

You might be best having a peruse of the source for this. Starting with the appsrc/ODS-Bookmark/ directory, you'll see a which is how these things are generated.


Tim Haynes
Product Development Consultant
OpenLink Software

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