
I have another problem with my SPARQL Endpoint servlet, which is just supposed 
to generate RDF/XML-ABBREV from a query. 

The code is the same as with my previous problem, but the current problem is 
that some of the classes, i.e. the rdf:type triples are lost when 

A test query looks like this: 

PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
DESCRIBE ?resource ?rest WHERE {

?resource dct:identifier 
?resource ?p ?rest .

If I go directly at the Virtuoso endpoint, I see that the triples are there, 
but if I use my RDF/XML-ABBREV based endpoint the triples that have ?rest as 
subject are lost. 

This is the code, and there is a note further down...:
> The core of my servlet code is this:
>         VirtGraph vGraph = new VirtGraph(
>                 SettingsService.getProperty("sublima.database.url"),
>                 SettingsService.getProperty("sublima.database.username"),
>                 SettingsService.getProperty("sublima.database.password")
>         );
>         Query sparql = null;
>         try {
>             sparql =
> QueryFactory.create(req.getParameterValues("query")[0]); } catch
> (QueryException e) {
>             res.sendError(400, "The SPARQL query was malformed: " +
> e.getMessage());
>             e.printStackTrace();
>             return;
>         }
>         VirtuosoQueryExecution exec =
> VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory.create(sparql, vGraph);
>         Model model = exec.execDescribe();

I've checked, and the triples are present in this model, so they seem to be 
lost in the subsequent serialisation.

I suppose that the the model is Virtuoso-code, whereas the serialisation 
itself is Jena, so where does this most likely go wrong?

This is the rest of the code:

>         res.setContentType("application/rdf+xml");
>         PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
>         model.write(out, "RDF/XML-ABBREV");
>         out.close();

Kind regards 

Kjetil Kjernsmo
Senior Knowledge Engineer
Mobile: +47 986 48 234


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