On 2008-12-01, at 22:21 , Patrick van Kleef wrote:

Hi James,

has anyone succeeded to build the open source version of virtuoso on
os x 10.4 for ppc?

This is one of the platforms where every release of VOS gets tested before being released.

yes, but with which os version, and which x-code version, and which ports updates, and ...

i checked out the sources and worked through the automake and
configure process, updating several utilities and setting the CFLAGS
as indicated.

i also had to change the flags to build a univerrsal binary, in order
that it accept the ssl library version.

now, the libsrc/Wi make step fails. in two ways. the flex command
line specifies arguments as, eg '-o scn3.c' which the flex command
fails to process as intended. it requires a '-oscn3.c' form. once the
makefile is edited to change those arguments to a form which flex
accepts, the gawk command fails. it contains '-o' arguments, which do
not appear at all in the options in the command synopsis from 'gawk --
help'. ?

both af these circumstances are rather surprising, so i thought i'd
ask what the practice and experience has been, before i try further.

The -o option is handled by the generate wrapper script,

when i read the makefile, i wondered about that, and the generate error message included a command line without an output file. that flex's own error message implied that it was trying to read the intended output file, but could not find it, indicated to me that this argument re-writing was not working as intended.

which should be in front of all the bison, flex and awk commands in the libsrc/Wi/Makefile.am (look for $(GEN)).

The generate script (which is located in ~/bin) needs the -o filename as 2 separate arguments to work and will either call the underlying tool with -o or in case of gawk redirect standard output to a temp file and if the command succeeds, renames the temp file to the filename argument.

There was a bug in that script before, but that was fixed in the 5.0.9 tree that we recently uploaded to sourceforge. If you are trying to build an older version, i strongly suggest you download the latest source tree.

i pulled the sources this afternoon.

If you build from the CVS tree, you need to make sure all your tools are of the version as specified in the README.CVS file in the top of the tree.

i did this. one by one. some are now of higher versions than the list specified.

Since generated file are not committed into CVS, you will need to have all the correct tools in order to do the build. The source tarball has all generated files so is buildable without having any of these tools installed.

the download page didn't give an indication that there was a tarball. i saw only the instructions to pull the cvs sources. does it install them somewhere so that they're specific to the build process?

On Mac OS X 10.4 that means that you need to upgrade flex, bison and gawk before you can build the VOS code. You can either use the Darwinports or Fink project to get versions for your platform, or you can build them yourself. Links to where you can find these tools are in the README.CVS file.

i got them all as 'ports'.

If you are unable to build these tools yourself, i can make a tarball with the relevant tools for Mac OS X 10.4 available.

I have attached my config.nice script so you can see what flags i used to build VOS in Universal mode.

you use quite a few flags in addition the instructions. i will try them.

If you still have problems building, please run the following command:

        make 2>&1 | tee /tmp/make.out

and email your config.status and /tmp/make.out file privately to mailto:vos.ad...@openlinksw.com


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