Hello Aldo,

"AS iri" clause is optional, but it's strongly advised to keep it
explicit and user-friendly, because sometimes the name of quad map
pattern is the only or the most important hint for debugging.

Having "stable" meaningful names one gets a warranty that he will get
readable "cannot overwrite" errors with accurate diagnostics right at
the time of CREATE statement. That's really useful, too.

If "AS iri" is not specified, an "AS hashsum-of-everything-else" is
implied. It means that in case of internal error some old versions of
quad map pattern may stay alive in system graphs under names based on
old hashsums. It's not dangerous when only one storage is configured,
because automatic garbage collection and manual RDF_AUDIT_METADATA() are
our best friends. On a database with multiple storages, it might cause
subtle errors in case of misuse of RDF_BACKUP_METADATA /
RDF_RESTORE_METADATA administrative functions: some cached SQL queries
might stay not recompiled on change of RDF View. No errors of this sort
were seen in wild but if that will ever happen then the debugging might
be, well, "interesting".

Best Regards,

Ivan Mikhailov
OpenLink Software

On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 06:15 -0400, Aldo Bucchi wrote:
> Hi,
> Another pseudo feature request in the name of manual coding.
> One of the thing that makes declaring mappings by hand a bit tedious
> is having to assign unique name to each, for example:
> subj ex:someProp table.prop as virtrdf:unique-mapping-name .
> It would be nice if one could leave the mapping name empty ( forget
> about the "as ..." part ) and have Virtuoso create one ( derived from
> table/col/prop names ).
> Regards,
> A

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