Hi Kjetil,

Try one of these PL functions:


Take care,


We need to insert a few hundred triples in a certain graph over HTTP and we are struggling to do that. The graph name we use is not dereferenceable, i.e. there is no server there, thus we have to insert into it by name only.

Our preferred way to do this is using SPARUL INSERT DATA, but the SQL compiled from this query becomes more than 10000 lines for less than 200 triples, so it is at present unsuitable for any large amounts of data. I have sent a feature request about this, but we need a more immediate workaround.

I've gone over http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfinsertmethods.html
but it seems like none of the HTTP methods lets us insert into an arbitrary graph, the DAV methods seem to require a graph name connected to the WebDAV server, and that doesn't work well for us. Nor do LOAD, as the data is not available on a server.

So, what options are there to insert data into an arbitrary graph using HTTP?
Kind regards
Kjetil Kjernsmo

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