I have looked through plenty of Virtuoso documentation articles and
blogposts and haven't found any IN usage with subqueries. Is it possible?

2010/3/23 Ivan Mikhailov <imikhai...@openlinksw.com>

> Hello Alexander,
> > Let's imagine we have a list of entities uris' as input and we need to
> retrieve all triples for each entity.
> > Is there any way to execute it using one query?
> We have an IN operator extension:
> select ?p ?o
> where
> {
>  ?s ?p ?o .
>  filter (?s in (<someGraph#entity1>, <someGraph#entity2>, ...
>    <someGraph#entityN> ) )
> }
> Best Regards,
> Ivan Mikhailov
> OpenLink Software
> http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com

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