HI Jamey,

The "vad_sticker.dtd" file in the Virtuoso source code (and the documentation at http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/VAD.html) appears to indicate that file resource elements in vad stickers will accept a "source_uri" attribute.

When this attribute is populated, I would expect the VAD_PACK procedure to use it to determine where to obtain the actual file contents. But it does not appear to do so. From my reading of the code, VAD_PACK defers to VAD_TEST_CREATE, which does not have any logic to use the "source_uri" attribute (and instead always derives the source path from the target path). Is that a bug? Or am I misunderstanding the DTD and documentation?

I'm attaching a modified version of the VAD_TEST_CREATE procedure to illustrate my question. It likely isn't entirely correct (since this is my first time attempting to modify Virtuoso procedures), but it does handle a simple case where the "source_uri" attribute is set for a file resource. (The modified portions involve the "s5" variable.)

We will be looking into this issue shortly.


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