HI Matthew,

I need to run my php app under apache for Shibboleth authentication. (If shibboleth can be done under virtuoso is something I need to ask later, as I need to just get some things done right now).

Given enough incentive we may implement support for this at some point. We do already support SSO systems like OpenID, and WebID

Is there an example anywhere on how to connect to a Virtuoso relational store?

I presume to use generic ODBC and some port number, whatever it is?

The port is listed in your virtuoso.ini file:

        ServerPort  = 1111

You indeed can use ODBC to connect from your PHP application to Virtuoso.

Please check out:


It’s too bad there’s no PHP PDO (Portable Data Object) module for it.. because I generally prefer to use that. No biggy.

There is of course pdo-odbc.


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