HI Matthew,

It shows my database "studies" at the same level as "DB", "PUMP", "UDDI",
"VAD", etc.

Clicking down to the tables, it shows them as:  studies.DBA.studies

I used the default DBA account (for now). I didn't modify any defaults of
installation from the tarball, to keep things simple.

But "SELECT * FROM studies.DBA.studies;" still returns the same syntax error
as did "SELECT * FROM studies..studies;"

Under the "Interactive SQL" tab, "SELECT * FROM studies..studies;" works fine.. So, does this mean Virtuoso is somehow seeing it differently from my
php script:


$dbc = odbc_connect('virtuoso','dba','dba');
$(!$dbc) { exit("Failed!\n"); }

$sql = "SELECT * FROM studies..studies;";
$rs = odbc_exec($dbc, $sql);

When using the isql tool, you need to use a semi colon, so the parser knows when it has reached the end of the statement.

In ODBC you should not use a semicolon, unless you want a compound statement, which in this case you do not have. So please use:

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM studies..studies";


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Thibodeau Jr [mailto:tthibod...@openlinksw.com]
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 10:11 AM
To: Matthew Tedder
Cc: virtuoso-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Virtuoso-users] In SQL how can I reference my tables?

Hi, Matthew --

On Aug 6, 2010, at 08:42 AM, Matthew Tedder wrote:

So the PHP odbc_connect() method seems to connect, because I get SQL

Can anyone tell me how to at least select from these tables.. I created
them using isql like this:

USE studies;
CREATE TABLE studies ( ...);

But the following variations give SQL errors:

USE studies; SELECT * FROM studies;
SELECT * FROM studies.studies;
SELECT * FROM studies..studies;
SELECT * FROM DB.studies;
SELECT * FROM DB.studies.studies;

To keep working, I made a mirror of these tables in MySQL and so that's
what I am working with now.  I am already past my deadline.
As a last resort I might end up setting up a PHP ARC -based SPARQL endpoint
and dumping to that, periodically from the tables. But that won't scale and
has other limitations.

But I kinda feel not so good. I got excited reading about Virtuoso and now
everyone's looking at me. We're looking at possibly moving a lot over to it,
including VIVO (researchers and their publications-currently using
Sesame/Jena), a huge clinical data repository, and others.

I feel so close to breaking the egg-shell that can open up a huge new world
of uses..  but also stressed with a very short timeline.

It seems that you're trying to learn a lot of new things all at once,
and that they're mixing up together and confusing each other.

Telling us that "the following variations give SQL errors" doesn't give
us much with which to debug the issue -- because we don't know whether
the errors are identical in all cases, nor even what the single error
is (unless it's a repeat of the original you reported?) ...

Do you have a Web browser?  Can you use it to target the Virtuoso
Conductor (the web-based Admin interface)?  By default, you'll find
it somewhere like --


-- or --


-- with a different port, if you've changed [HTTPServer]:ServerPort (*NOT* [Parameters]:ServerPort) during installation or by manually
editing the virtuoso.ini.

Log in, and drill down to the Database area.  You should be able to
see where your tables are -- and thus how to identify them in your
SQL queries.  This documentation section may help you out --


Hope that helps,


A: Yes. http://www.guckes.net/faq/ attribution.html
| Q: Are you sure?
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr. // voice +1-781-273-0900 x32 Evangelism & Support // mailto:tthibod...@openlinksw.com
                            //              http://twitter.com/TallTed
OpenLink Software, Inc. // http:// www.openlinksw.com/
       10 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 265, Burlington MA 01803
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