Hi Alex,

This one goes to Virtuoso devs.

Is there a release or are there plans to develop a Trippi Connector for
Virtuoso Triple Store?


I would like to test Fedora Commons Repository backed by Virtuoso OS
both as its relational database and as its resource index (triple store)
to reduce number of components, the former through JDBC and the later
through Trippi (I believe it is the only way).

As I already have a Virtuoso OS instance running with dbpedia loaded, I think it makes sense to use it for the Fedora triples about the Digital
Objects in the repository so later I can do some nice reasoning using
both graphs.


https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FCR30/Installation+and+Configuration+Guide #InstallationandConfigurationGuide-OtherDatabases

https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FCR30/Resource +Index#ResourceIndex-Configuration

We will have a look at this API to see how difficult it is to write an adapter for Virtuoso in it.

Note that we already support Jena and Sesame for Virtuoso, as well as the possibility to use the SPASQL protocol to embed SPARQL/SPARUL queries direct inside JDBC statement execution.

See: http://ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VOSRDFDataProviders

Note that Virtuoso also has a full ODBC based driver that can handle both relational queries and SPARQL queries (using SPARQL) as detailed in:



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