HI Mohamed,

I'm Mohamed Morsey, I'm working on DBpedia-Live in the AKSW group of the
University of Leipzig.
After running DBpedia-Live application for a while (something like 14
Hrs), Virtuoso crashes and gives that error message

"GPF: insert.c:1172 In compact, no remap dp for a dirty buffer
./start.sh: line 4: 56609 Segmentation fault      sudo
/opt/virtuoso/ose/6.1.3/bin/virtuoso-t -f -c "$iniFile" "

I also assign 8GB of memory to Virtuoso by configuring NumberOfBuffers
but after running it for a while I also notice that memory allocated to
it exceeds that amount.
I also tried to assign only 4GB of memory to it, but the problem remains. So, would you please help me in that issue, is there a specific setting
that I should configure in the .ini file or something.

We have seen this issue in a couple of our simulations, but we have not been able to pinpoint the exact set of circumstances under which it occurs. We are currently trying to narrow down to a repeatable testcase that is easier to debug.

I will keep you posted when we have a fix available.


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