Hi Jonas,

i have a problem with sorting again :)

given the dataset in the attachment, when i do the query

SELECT DISTINCT ?resourceUri FROM <http://example.com/activities/>
WHERE { ?resourceUri <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type >
<http://xmlns.notu.be/aair#Activity> . ?resourceUri
<http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom/published> ?published . ?resourceUri
<http://xmlns.notu.be/aair#activityVerb> ?verb . ?resourceUri
<http://xmlns.notu.be/aair#activityActor> ?actor . ?resourceUri
<http://xmlns.notu.be/aair#activityObject> ?object FILTER
(!isBLANK(?resourceUri)) } ORDER BY ASC(?published) LIMIT 10

the result is as expected. but when i add

define output:format "RDF/XML"

the returned xml is unsorted. could that be a bug?

Can you please tell me the version of Virtuoso you are using, so i can
do some testing to make sure this is already fixed.

im on 6.1.2

Is it possible you upgrade to VOS 6.1.3 which has been released on 30 april of this year as i believe this issue has already been resolved.

I have verified that it does not occur anymore in the latest VOS development code.

Best regards,


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