HI Quintin,

> I have a bit of weirdness though it's been resolved/worked-around.
> A query that looks like:
> prefix ont: <ontStuff>
> select ?dq { GRAPH <http://stuff> { ?li ont:code "S" . ?li ont:liHasDQ ?dq . 
> ?dq ont:Quantity ?qty . ?dq ont:Quantity "0"^^xsd:int } }
> Or with a filter:
> prefix ont: <ontStuff>
> select ?dq { GRAPH <http://stuff> { ?li ont:code "S" . ?li ont:liHasDQ ?dq . 
> ?dq ont:Quantity ?qty . ?dq ont:Quantity ?qty FILTER (?qty= "0"^^xsd:int) } }
> These don't return and under some circumstances, crash Virtuoso.  Changing 
> the Quantity to a variable bind and with a FILTER doesn't help much though I 
> haven't observed it to crash.  But if I change the FILTER to "(?qty = 0)" 
> then it returns in a few seconds.
> Any idea why this would happen?  The underlying literal is a typed as (actual 
> example): "000001"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int>.  Casting to 
> xsd:int doesn't help either, that won't return in reasonable time either.

I did a quick check, but without some sample data, i was not able to quickly 
re-create your crash.

Which version of Virtuoso are you currently using?

Would it be possible for you to configure the VOS tree with --with-debug and 
rebuild your tree and retest upto the point where it crashes. 

Once you have a core dump, i would like to see a backtrace of the stack, so we 
can pinpoint what is going on.


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