Thanks for the advice

I'll try this construct --- liemyu say it it is easier to read and understand).


On 23/12/2013 05:43, Quentin wrote:

It may not be being truncated. Some but not all of the sparql compilation entries from trace_on() are truncated but it's only the debug output that is being truncated, not the query itself. This has caused me confusion before.

Not guaranteed to work but you might try an alternate construct, if nothing else it's easier to read and since it's a little more orthodox, it's more likely to be well understood by the query optimiser. A post from Hugh last week suggests that there may be additional optimisation for IN based lookups comoing though they may or may not apply to this usage.

select ?thing ?x ?y ?z
where {
    ?thing predicate1 ?x .
    ?thing predicate2 ?y .
    ?thing predicate3 ?z .
    filter (?thing in (

On 19 December 2013 00:15, Ian Harrison < <>> wrote:

    I'm hitting a problem with Virtuoso 7 with the use of large filters
    ...... the scenario is that I'm setting a query variable value to
    be one
    of many things ... rather than returning all values for that query

    e.g. select ?yhing ?x ?y ?x where {?thing predicate1 ?x . ?thing
    predicate2 ?y . ?thing predicate3 ?z filter (? thing =
    <http://host/id/thing/1> || ?thing = <http://host/id/thing/2> ||
    = <http://host/id/thing/3> || ?thing = <http://host/id/thing/4> ||
    ?thing = <http://host/id/thing/5> || ....

    there might be 100-200 things in the filter list ... but there may be
    millions of instances of ?thing.

    The error thrown is:

    Virtuoso 37000 Error SQ156: Internal Optimized compiler error :
    table for a column dfe in sqldf.c:1422.
    Please report the statement compiled.

    SPARQL query:
    Virtuoso 37000 Error SQ156: Internal Optimized compiler error :
    table for a column dfe in sqldf.c:1422.
    Please report the statement compiled.

    With trace_on() setup, it l;ooks like the filter is being
    truncated. Can
    you try and replicate such a test case. It's important for my
    application, as I'm using the OR filter pattern, as a way of
    data services of the form ... do a search to identify a set of
    things of
    interest and then return lots of data about the items that have been
    returned by the search ..... I'm open to suggestions of a workaround
    tpo, if this is aknown problem, to be able to handle such a data


    Ian Harrison                Email:
    Tel: +44 (0)7580 618125 <tel:%2B44%20%280%297580%20618125>

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