Hi Boris,

> I'm working with Virtuoso version 07.10.3208 on Linux 
> (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu), Single Server Edition.
> I have to do some postprocessing processess (via scripts) and I need to 
> do lot of queries like this
> DEFINE sql:log-enable 3 DELETE  {  GRAPH 
> <http://data.isoco.net/havas/graph/data> { 
> <http://data.isoco.net/resource/member/abhishek-agrawal-1> 
> <http://vocab.isoco.net/degree> ?o . } } WHERE { 
> <http://data.isoco.net/resource/member/abhishek-agrawal-1> 
> <http://vocab.isoco.net/degree> ?o . }
> I'm not getting any error on virtuoso.log but seems to be the triples 
> are still there on the triplestore.
> I also included the TransactionAfterImageLimit parameter as suggested 
> here [1]
> But, nothing, some triples are not deleted
> Any idea what I'm missing?
> Best & TIA
> Boris
> [1] 
> http://www.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/VOS/VirtTipsAndTricksGuideTransactionLogControl

Can you run the following queries on your system using the isql tool and share 
the output with me:

select count (*) from rdf_quad a table option (index rdf_quad) where not exists 
(select 1 from rdf_quad b table option (loop, index rdf_quad_pogs) where a.g = 
b.g and a.p = b.p and a.o = b.o and a.s = b.s);
select count (*) from rdf_quad a table option (index rdf_quad_pogs) where not 
exists (select 1 from rdf_quad b table option (loop, index primary key) where 
a.g = b.g and a.p = b.p and a.o = b.o and a.s = b.s);
select count (*) from rdf_quad a table option (index rdf_quad) where not exists 
(select 1 from rdf_quad b table option (loop, index rdf_quad) where a.g = b.g 
and a.p = b.p and a.o = b.o and a.s = b.s);
select count (*) from rdf_quad a table option (index rdf_quad_pogs) where not 
exists (select 1 from rdf_quad b table option (loop, index rdf_quad_pogs) where 
a.g = b.g and a.p = b.p and a.o = b.o and a.s = b.s);

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