I'm a newbie with LDP.

I'm trying to configure LDP on Virtuoso Opensource 07.20.3214

I'm following the instructions from

My procedure was:
1) I created a directory ldp under dav. (with dba)
2) I changed the following properties:

folder type: normal
owner: nobody
group: nogrup
permissions: rwxrwxrwx
ldp enable/disable: true (I'm guessing, ok :-) )
full text search: recursively
default permissions: recursively
metadata retrieval: recursively
webDav properties: LDP value ldp:BasicContainer

At this point, the property, seems not to be set.

3) On ODS, the directory properties action shows everything, including the
property LDP with its value.

4) I run the (inexistent? I can't see it in the SYS_PROCEDURE ) procedure

DB.DBA.DAV_PROP_SET ('/DAV/ldp/', 'LDP', 'ldp:BasicContainer', 'dav','dav', 1);

 in the ISQL web interface.

This last step, with no result or error.

Now I run a GET to localhost:8890/DAV/ldp/ and I'm receiving:

SR186:SECURITY: No permission to execute procedure
DB.DBA.SPARQL_DESC_AGG_INIT with user ID 107, group ID 107

What's wrong?


Fernando Carpani
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