As I said and showed with my exmaple, it works at least with Apache Jena
in-memory SPARQL engine.

> Hello,
> On 01/09/2017 02:11 PM, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
>> It was not my question, but again, the property path * operator is used
>> in his query - and this can also mean 0 occurrences of the relation
>> rdfs:subClassOf . Maybe I don't understand the meaning of * - I'll check
>> the W3C recommendation.
> I agree with Olivier (the other one) and Lorenz :
> SELECT ?x ?rel ?y
>   ?x rdf:type :mytype1 .
>   ?y rdf:type :mytype2 .
>   ?x ?rel ?y .
> }
> returns:
> :A :myrel :X1
> :B :myrel :X2
> :C :myrel :X1
> which is consistent with the graph
> For ?x and ?y, adding propertypaths to also retrieve direct OR indirect
> instances of mytype1 and mytype2 should potentially yield more values
> for ?x and ?y (granted in his case exactly the same values as his graph
> does not contain indirect instances), but not fewer values.
> So either "?x rdf:type/(rdfs:subClassOf*) :mytype1" does not mean "the
> direct or indirect instances of mytype1", or the following query should
> return an empty set, according to Hugh and Kingsley (and in this case, I
> still do not understand why it returns (A, myrel, X1) but not (B, myrel
> X2) nor (C, myrel X1)):
> SELECT ?x ?rel ?y
>   ?x rdf:type/(rdfs:subClassOf*) :mytype1 .
>   ?y rdf:type/(rdfs:subClassOf*) :mytype2 .
>   ?x ?rel ?y .
> }
> returns only:
> :A :myrel :X1
> Can someone clarify this point?
> Thank you all
> olivier
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Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: - semantic web research center

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