I am trying to run the following query on the Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint to
calculate the path between nodes. However, it is giving me following error.
Could you please let me know how to fix it? BTW the query works fine for
the Jena TDB. However, I want to use Virtuoso triplestore because it
contains all of my datasets.
PREFIX fused:<http://test.edu/vocab/>
select ?super ?sub (count(?mid) as ?distance) from <
http://test.edu/example/replicate9/> {
?mid fused:getInfectedBy* ?super.
?sub fused:getInfectedBy+ ?mid.
group by ?super ?sub
order by ?super ?sub
Virtuoso 37000 Error TR...: Query contains a transitive derived table but
neither end of it is bound by equality to other columns or parameters.
Thanks a lot.
S.M.Shamimul Hasan
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