
I can reproduce a problem while loading http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#XMLLiteral thru loader , original triple literal is well formed XML (see around " \\ge&{1\\over 2 ") parsing is OK.

but once loaded, the resulting data in triplestore is NO MORE WELL FORMED XML with a standalone & symbol :


our release is
OpenLink Virtuoso  Server
Version 07.20.3217-pthreads for Linux as of Feb 10 2017

to replay the bug :

load test triple
then query :

select ?o  DATATYPE(?o) {
<http://hub.abes.fr/wiley/periodical/rta/1997/volume_10/issue_3/101002/tjcj10982418199705103353ajdrta530cp2x/w> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/abstract> ?o }

Thanks for your help !


test triple :

<http://hub.abes.fr/wiley/periodical/rta/1997/volume_10/issue_3/101002/tjcj10982418199705103353ajdrta530cp2x/w> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/abstract> "We analyze a randomized greedy\n matching algorithm (RGA) aimed at producing a matching with a large number of edges in a\n given weighted graph. RGA was first introduced and studied by Dyer and Frieze in [3] for\n unweighted graphs. In the weighted version, at each step a new edge is chosen from the\n remaining graph with probability proportional to its weight, and is added to the\n matching. The two vertices of the chosen edge are removed, and the step is repeated\n until there are no edges in the remaining graph. We analyze the expected size \u00CE\u00BC(G) of\n the number of edges in the output matching produced by RGA, when RGA is repeatedly\n applied to the same graph G. Let r(G)=\u00CE\u00BC(G)/m(G), where m(G) is the maximum number of\n edges in a matching in G. For a class \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD of graphs, let \u00CF\uFFFD(\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD) be the infimum values\n r(G) over all graphs G in \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD (i.e., \u00CF\uFFFD is the \u00E2\u20AC\u0153worst\u00E2\u20AC\uFFFD performance ratio of RGA\n restricted to the class \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD). Our main results are bound for \u00CE\u00BC, r, and \u00CF\uFFFD. For example,\n the following results improve or generalize similar results obtained in [3] for the\n unweighted version of RGA; \\begin{eqnarray*}r(G)&amp;\\ge&amp;{1\\over 2\u00E2\u20AC\uFFFD|V|/2|E|}\\quad\n \\mbox{(if $G$ has a perfect matching)}\\\\ {\\sqrt{26}\u00E2\u20AC\uFFFD4\\over\n 2}&amp;\\le&amp;\\rho(\\hbox{\\sf SIMPLE PLANAR GRAPHS})\\le.68436349\\\\ \\rho(\\hbox{SIMPLE\n $\\Delta$\u00E2\u20AC\uFFFDGRAPHS})&amp;\\ge&amp;{1\\over2}+{\\sqrt{(\\Delta\u00E2\u20AC\uFFFD1)^2+1}\u00E2\u20AC\uFFFD(\\Delta\u00E2\u20AC\uFFFD1)\\over2}\\end{eqnarray*}(where\n the class $\\Delta$\\hbox{\\sf-GRAPHS}$ is the set of graphs of maximum degree at most \u00CE\u201D).\n \u00C2\u00A9 1997 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Inc.\u00E2\u20AC\u0192Random Struct. Alg., 10: 353\u00E2\u20AC\u201C383,\n 1997"^^<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#XMLLiteral>

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