Hi Peter,

My original testing was on Darwin (macOS), I have switched to CentOS 7 and have 
been able to recreate the issue on first run:

[hwilliams@localhost database]$ sh test.sh 
Wed 19 Dec 15:43:33 GMT 2018: 3/ Start up Virtuoso with an empty database
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Oct 18 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Wed 19 Dec 15:43:39 GMT 2018: 4/ Load the dump files into Virtuoso
test.sh: line 35: warning: here-document at line 18 delimited by end-of-file 
(wanted `EOF')
  ll_state    ll_error

  2           23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 507: SR197: Non unique primary key 
[hwilliams@localhost database]$ 

and sometimes does not occur ...

I shall report to development to look into and also provide them with the 
“ttlpv.sql” script with your proposed fix ...

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
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> On 19 Dec 2018, at 13:51, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfpschnei...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> That's not my experience on several machines.  I've experienced this bug on
> two servers, one running CentOS release 6.9 (Final) and one running Ubuntu
> 16.04.5 LTS.  The bug depends at least on loading in parallel *and*
> encountering new language tags.  Loading the files a second time will almost
> certainly result in no errors as the language tags will already have been
> encountered and added in the previous partially completed run.
> To check things out a bit further I tested on a new machine.  I did a fresh
> download and install of Virtuoso Open Source (Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec
> 19 2018) on my laptop (a four-core, eight-thread machine running Fedora 29
> with kernel 4.19.8-300.fc29.x86_64).
> I downloaded, compiled, and installed Virtuoso as follows:
> cd /home/virtuoso/test
> git clone git://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource.git
> cd virtuoso-opensource
> ./autogen.sh
> ./configure
> make
> make install prefix=/home/virtuoso/test/vos
> cd ..
> I put my generation code in the directory .../share/virtuoso/vad/ and
> creaated the download files there so that I did not have to change
> virtuoso.ini at all.   I then ran a slightly modified version of the test
> script (attached).
> cp generate.py vos/share/virtuoso/vad
> ( cd vos/share/virtuoso/vad ; python2.7 ./generate.py )
> ./test.sh
> The test script produced
> #!/bin/bash -v
> # Installation directories for Virtuoso open source
> vrun=/home/virtuoso/test/vos
> vbin=${vrun}/bin
> vdb=${vrun}/var/lib/virtuoso/db
> # Start up virtuoso as a daemon, waiting for initialization
> ( cd ${vdb} ; ${vbin}/virtuoso-t +wait )
> ${vbin}/isql 1111 dba dba PROMPT=OFF <<EOF
> ld_dir ('/home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad', 'test*.ttl',
> 'http://test.nuance.com');
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> rdf_loader_run() &
> wait_for_children;
> checkpoint;
> SELECT * FROM DB.DBA.load_list;
> SPARQL SELECT count(*) FROM <http://test.nuance.com> WHERE {?s ?p ?o};
> exit;
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Done. -- 1 msec.
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
> Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
> Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
> Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
> Done. -- 0 msec.
> Done. -- 0 msec.
> Done. -- 42 msec.
> Done. -- 42 msec.
> Done. -- 43 msec.
> Done. -- 42 msec.
> Done. -- 41 msec.
> Done. -- 41 msec.
> Done. -- 58 msec.
> Done. -- 265 msec.
> Done. -- 68 msec.
> ll_file
>    ll_graph
>        ll_state    ll_started           ll_done              ll_host
> ll_work_time  ll_error
>        INTEGER     TIMESTAMP            TIMESTAMP            INTEGER
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test00.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 148859000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 17: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test01.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 149368000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 57: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test02.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 149938000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 92: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test03.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 150591000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 142: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test04.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 151513000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 199: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test05.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 152487000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 272: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test06.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 153781000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 365: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test07.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 155527000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 479: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test08.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 157558000
> 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 632: SR197: Non unique
> primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test09.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 200422000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test10.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 186145000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test11.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 212614000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test12.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 239036000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test13.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 262955000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test14.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 287805000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test15.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 311630000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test16.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 336096000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test17.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 359084000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test18.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 384052000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> /home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad/test19.ttl
>    http://test.nuance.com
>        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 408375000
> 0           NULL        NULL
> 20 Rows. -- 1 msec.
> callret-0
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> 74470
> 1 Rows. -- 24 msec.
> On 12/18/18 7:52 PM, Hugh Williams wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> I generated the datasets from your python script and loaded them into a local
>> Virtuoso open source multiple times but did not see any occurrences of the 
>> error:
> <test.sh>

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