On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Joachim Falk wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Mike Miller wrote:
> > Also, how exactly is a patch applied?
> You need the patch programm. Install the one included with Solaris
> (No I don't know where to find that one). Or get the GNU one.

I have always tried to use the Solaris native patch program.  I tried
again today using your instructions below.  It prompts me for a filename.
I don't know what to tell it.  So...

I also had GNU patch on my Solaris 8 system.  I used it.  It worked
(without prompting me for filenames).  Very nice.

Thank you!


> Apply with these 3 commands. After that
> the patched sources are in vnc-3.3.6-unixsrc.
> [SHELL]$ gzip -dc <path to vnc source>/vnc-3.3.6-unixsrc.tar.gz | tar xfv -
> [SHELL]$ cd vnc-3.3.6-unixsrc
> [SHELL]$ patch -p1 < <path to patch>/vnc-3.3.4-tcp_wrappers.patch
> For more info on patch try
> 'man patch' and 'man diff'
> or search on google for
> 'man unix patch'
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