Dhillon, Gurjit wrote:

I will really appreciate if some one can comment on my issue with vnc.

I have configured vnc with xinetd.

I want to know if I close the open session of vnc. How I can recover it
Not at all: xinetd has killed this vnc session. That's one of the nice features of xinetd. On the other hand, even if you kan manage to keep the session, it is verry hard to find since it is definitly not running on the port you started the session. xinetd moves the communication to an other port (in the free range).

As earlier it was possible , when I use to login to my Linux server and
run the command vncserver, which use to give me the port address to
With xinetd, you connect ot a port number. It is xinetd that moves the communication to an other port number and start xvnc.

btw: I do hope you did not use the command `vncserver` in the xinetd configuration, vncserver is a script that starts Xvnc with nice options. For xinetd, you need other options and some should not be used.

After accessing the same session if I close it and want to connect it
again the second day or when ever I want to , I was able to do that.
That's true. Even if the session is still running, a second connecton to it will start a new vnc-session, you cannot connect to the previous one.

Have some one done this earlier . is there any solution to this.

Yes: add Xvnc as an other X11-server in your sesion-manager. This will start the vnc server as soon as the machine starts, just like the graphical display on the console. It even restarts the vnc-session if it happens to be closed.


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