James Weatherall wrote:

Hi Gurjit,

You should find that you can start 99 desktops that way, provided that
xinetd will support that many configured services.  Beyond 99 desktops, the
X11 and RFB port numbers will start to clash.

Before that, X11 runs out of ports, its design says only 64 displays (which migh be restricted to even less) and hence ports 6000 - 6063. Be it that this does not need to be hard-coded. Within the X11 range, there is number 0, which most times is used by the console. Then there are 10 and 11, (ports 6010 and 6011) used by the X11 tunnel in SSH.

On the other hand, using xinetd, the vnc ports donnot collide since the 5900 range portnumbers are not used, it is inetd that assigns the portnumber from its free range. Check your xinetd configuration on the size of that range.

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