Zone Alarm has a setting in preferences to protect itself
uncheck it so you can use mouse or keyboard to change settings with vnc

I Haven't encountered the AVG setting required
even though I do use it ;-0

In brief:
Can click on some windows on remote desk top, but not on others.

I have the server on my daughters machine and client on mine.

I connect to her machine and see 3 windows/dialogs

1.  Windows Family Safety Login (on top)
2.  Upgrade dialog for AVG (I think)
3.  ZoneAlarm warning dialog.

Also my daughter has a fancy mouse setup.

I have pointer events active.

I can click on the family safety signin dialog and access all its controls,
but I CANNOT select check box and allow button on ZoneAlarm warning
(although the Allow button does change shade as expected when I hover), also
I CANNOT select the AVG update dialog or any of its controls.

Neither of these two windows will come to the foreground even just clicking
on the tite bar.  BUT if I go to my daughters machine it all works fine.

Are some dialogs/windows blocked from VNC or is there some kind of always on
top issue here, or what?

I spent a while searching the archive, but obviously I have the wrong search
string or this is a new problem.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

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