disclaimer: It's been a long time since I used unix/linux vnc... I might be off.

On 6-4-2013 15:41, Dan MacDonald wrote:
TeamViewer includes a little desktop app that shows all users currently
logged onto a session. Is there no such thing for vncserver when running
under X11? Seeing as we're running KDE currently on our Ubuntu 12.04
running vnc4server a plasmoid that shows logged in VNC users + their IPs
would be ideal. If no such app exists, what is the best way to check for
logged in VNC users on a vnc4server via the terminal?
This totally depents on the server side setup... If the users all get their own X11 session by inet.d, then just scan the process list for xvnc-executables and their users. if the users all connect to existing X11 sessions, it is up to the way these sessions enable vnc and if/how the connections are logged. In the end, you can always scan the connected sessions (netstat -a) and do an educated guess for the X11/VNC sessions.

We are accessing our vnc server using RealVNC viewer, mainly under 64-bit
Windows 7 but copy/paste doesn't seem to work - why not? I thought VNC
supported copy/paste? Are there any settings I should check on the server
or clients to enable this?

Between msWindows and X11 there are some differences the way the copy-buffers are used. On msWindows there is a sinlge buffer that can handle roughly everything (except for the kitchen sink ;-). On unix / X11, there are more of these buffers. By head I think there is the selection buffer and about 10 cut/copy buffers. All of these can only handle ascii text. In the beginning of VNC, there just was no connection between the local and remote buffers, except for the keyboard buffer. Current handling depends first on the used vnc-server, next on the used viewer. Check their documentation for details.

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