I built/ran a large meta shop for over a decade and still consult to many.

My $0.02 is they are on the backside of their market curve. Theres a long tail on their customers but everything they do is replaceable by software solutions that are increasingly open.

 * Their CFS software hasnt seen a reasonable update to allow it to
   meet current market needs in some time.
 * The Cluster CFS architecture works well but is cluttered by clunky
   management and lack of transparency and elasticity and ultimately
   still orbits the CFS code limitations.
 * Their EAS should have been retired in favor of a more reasonably
   modern solution 5 years ago (more cohesive api's, better scaling, etc)
 * The SBC didnt really need to happen, they entered that space after
   the oracle acquisition of Acme. The level of engineering effort for
   an org to install perimeta should be spent on acquiring
   Kamailio/Opensips skills.

The future of Meta WAS going to be Clearwater, open IMS, which was summarily killed by the MSFT buy, but the CFS code is a boat anchor around the neck of communications provider product offerings as of 2021.

The legacy value of their TDM gateways is quite clear but it needn't be in the context of a unified switch.


On 12/17/2021 11:15 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
We've been running Metaswitch for 15 years and are looking to refresh what we have.

Who else operates at that tier? I'm talking to Ribbon. I'm hesitant to talk to to Broadsoft because they're part of Cisco, but if I should, I should...

Obviously, there are rather limited venues to gain third-party feedback on the platforms, so I figured I'd ask here.


Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

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