Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Cost-Effectiveness of the HPV Vaccine:

   Not everything that improves health, or even saves lives, is worth
   mandating or even strongly pressuring (even if your philosophy is
   social welfare maximization; I'll speak later about how those with a
   more libertarian bent might view this). Saving a few lives at the
   costs of billions of dollars may end up not being cost-effective,
   especially given that the expense could reduce people's ability to
   spend on much more cost-effective health improvements.

   But my very rough back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that the
   HPV vaccination is pretty cost-effective. The CDC
   reports that the [1]retail price of the HPV vaccine is about $360;
   let's assume this ends up being roughly the cost, setting aside bulk
   discounts, extra labor costs for administering the vaccine and the
   like. About 2500 American women die of HPV each year, which means that
   the lifetime risk for a typical American woman is roughly 2500 x 75 /
   150,000,000 = one in a thousand.

   Given that most estimates of value of life saved I've seen run in the
   $5 million to $10 million range, avoiding a 1/1000 risk of premature
   death for $360 sounds pretty cost-effective. Of course a more full
   analysis would have to include many other factors: It should consider
   years of life lost rather than just deaths. It should consider the
   possibility that the people who die of cervical cancer are also the
   ones least likely to get the immunizations; cervical cancer can
   largely be avoided through regular pap smears, so it stands to reason
   that women who get it tend to be ones who are least likely to have
   good health insurance coverage, and they may be the ones who are most
   likely not to get immunized when they are girls. It should also
   consider, as a factor countervailing to this one, the possibility that
   herd immunity provided by very broad immunization will benefit even
   those who aren't immunized. And it should doubtless consider a bunch
   of other things, too.

   Still, given that $360,000 is way under $5 to $10 million, it seems
   safe to say that include all the other factors will still yield a
   judgment that the HPV immunization is likely cost-effective.



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