Posted by Stuart Benjamin:
Incompetence, Cowardice, or Willful Self-Destruction?

   UC Irvine's decision to rescind its offer to Erwin Chemerinsky (who, I
   should note, is a colleague and friend) is so outrageous and
   boneheaded that I can muster only three explanations:

   1) Incompetence This one is obvious. Erwin's views are well known. Any
   remotely competent administrator should have vetted any fears about
   his ideology before offering him the job.

   2) Cowardice This one, too, is obvious. Maybe a big donor (rhymes with
   "wren") or a potential big donor, or someone with political power,
   balked at Erwin's politics and wanted him ditched on that basis, and
   UC caved. Wow, what a profile in courage. That should make all members
   of the UC community sleep well at night, knowing that leaders will
   give in to donor/political pressure.

   3) Willful Self-Destruction This one is less obvious. Suppose you were
   a Regent, or some other powerful person in California, and you
   strongly opposed creating another publicly funded law school but knew
   that it was moving forward. What would you do? You might try to
   inflict maximum damage on the law school before it even started, in
   the hope that this would so harm the school's prospects that it would
   never open. And I can't think of a better, realistic way of sabotaging
   the new law school than this one. Yes, I can imagine better
   unrealistic ways, but in terms of things that could ever happen, this
   one is an amazing carom shot. In one fell swoop, UC Irvine has lost
   the best Dean candidate it's going to find, made itself look
   incompetent and/or cowardly, and made it unlikely that anyone of merit
   will want to be a Dean or even a professor there (unless they change
   their minds and offer Erwin the Deanship after all). It's hard to do
   all those things in single move, but UC Irvine managed to thread that
   needle. When something *that* self-destructive occurs, you have to
   wonder whether it was intentional (at least on the part of some).
   Remember that the California Postsecondary Education Commission
   [1]voted against a UC Irvine law school
   , and the Regents voted without debate to [2]reject that
   recommendation and move forward on the school. It certainly wouldn't
   surprise me to find out that some of those Regents didn't want the
   school to go forward but didn't have the votes to block it. So instead
   they effectively blocked it this way.

   Note, of course, that this last explanation doesn't rule out one of
   the first two. Indeed, all three could be at work -- incompetence on
   the part of those who should have vetted, sabotage on the part of
   those who didn't want a law school, and cowardice on the part of those
   who caved in to the arguments of the saboteurs. A trifecta of
   outrageous behavior.


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