Posted by Eric Posner:
Chapter 13 and the Durbin mortgage modification bill

   As I mentioned in an earlier [1]post, a number of bills are floating
   around Congress that would revise Chapter 13 so as to ease the burden
   on homeowners. Currently, under Chapter 13, if you own a house with a
   $250,000 mortgage but only a $200,000 market price, you can�t escape
   the entire mortgage. Either you lose your house or you emerge from
   Chapter 13 with (roughly) the same $250,000 secured debt. Durbin�s
   [2]bill would allow the bankruptcy judge to strip down the mortgage
   debt to the value of the house. The debtor would be permitted to keep
   the house as long he accepts a $200,000 mortgage and has an income
   adequate to pay it off.

   Hard-hearted people like me might be tempted to dismiss this bill as a
   redistribution of wealth from creditors to debtors, one that will just
   increase the cost of credit in the future, while rewarding
   irresponsible people to boot. But that would be a mistake. The Durbin
   bill, or some variant of it, makes good sense.

   To see why, one must bear in mind that these are not normal times, and
   that there are good reasons for allowing homeowners to escape a
   portion of their debt. Indeed, in the good olde days, this would
   hardly raise an eyebrow. Suppose that a person borrows $250,000 from a
   bank, buys a house worth $300,000, and then temporarily loses his job
   or even experiences a permanent reduction in income. Meanwhile, the
   value of the house has plummeted to $150,000. The debtor can�t make
   his mortgage payments, at least for the time being. Should the bank
   foreclose? No! Foreclosure typically reduces the value of a house by
   as much as 50 percent, and can reduce the value of neighboring houses
   as well. If the bank forecloses, it will hold a piece of property
   worth $75,000, and it is unlikely that it will be able to recover the
   lost $175,000 from the debtor (impossible in some states). The bank
   and debtor are better off if they renegotiate the mortgage�say, a new
   $200,000 mortgage that the debtor can afford on a lower income. Of
   course, banks had to be careful not to renegotiate too quickly or
   easily, for then debtors would fake distress in order to obtain better
   terms. But renegotiation of mortgage loans has always been routine.

   Until, that is, the rise of mortgage-backed securities. Now the debtor
   can only renegotiate with a loan servicer, which passes on the
   principal and interest payments to thousands of dispersed holders of
   MBS�s. In theory, the loan servicer has the contractual right to
   renegotiate loans on behalf of the investors, but it is hardly clear
   that the servicer has proper incentives to do so, and in any event
   investors have not been cooperative, perhaps because they do not trust
   servicers to act in their interests.

   Durbin�s bill gives the debtor the option to enter bankruptcy and, in
   essence, force the investors to accept a renegotiated loan contract.
   It appears that the new mortgage would be the market value ($150,000,
   in my example) rather than the foreclosure value ($75,000). Whatever
   the case, the gains ought to be significant. A debtor who would walk
   away from a $250,000 mortgage on a $150,000 house may be willing to
   accept a $150,000 mortgage on the same house, particularly if (as is
   likely) he values the house more than the market does. That means
   fewer houses being foreclosed, and potentially an enormous amount of
   value being preserved.

   The bill is far from perfect, however. For one thing, a revision of
   the law will have prospective effects, and it might raise the cost of
   credit (though it might not, if debtors are sufficiently risk averse).
   In addition, bankruptcy is costly and time-consuming, and there just
   aren�t enough bankruptcy judges for the millions of people who are on
   the verge of losing their homes. Finally, the forced renegotiation is
   incredibly crude. Many people will walk away even if allowed to reduce
   their mortgage to the market value of the house, and others will
   benefit from the change in the law who don�t need it�and this will
   raise the cost of credit without producing an offsetting benefit. In
   my next post, I will examine another approach that may reduce some of
   these costs.



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