Posted by Randy Barnett:
In the Mail:  Hamburger's "Law & Judicial Duty":

   Philip Hamburger's new book, Law and Judicial Duty, arrived. It is a
   "big" book both in ambition and sheer length (621 pp.). Here is the
   publisher's description (which is typically written by the author).

     Almost every day, a judge in the United States holds a statute
     unconstitutional. This power of the judges is known as �judicial
     review,� and it often seems the central feature of American
     constitutional law. The authority and scope of this power, however,
     have long remained unclear, and because historical accounts have
     tended to suggest that the judges themselves largely developed
     judicial review, the history has given credence to the view that
     judges enjoy considerable discretion over the extent and exercise
     of this power.


     Law and Judicial Duty presents a very different history and a very
     different conception of the power of the judges. Drawing upon
     previously unexplored evidence, Philip Hamburger reveals the
     familiar notion of judicial review to be largely an illusion
     produced by modern assumptions, and he shows that what today is
     called �judicial review� was once understood more simply as part of
     the duty of judges to decide in accord with the law of the land.
     His book challenges many modern assumptions about the extent of
     judicial power, and by exploring judicial duty in its social
     context, the book raises sobering questions about the nature of law
     and the possibility of government under law.

   I think Hamburger is a very interesting writer and I always learn from
   his work. From the description, I think I will be in considerable
   agreement with his thesis. For my take on judicial review you can see
   the (much shorter) [2]Original Meaning of the Judicial Power. Here is
   the abstract

     In this paper, I refute any claim that judicial review was invented
     in Marbury v. Madison, or that, because it is contrary to the
     original meaning of the Constitution, it must be justified by some
     nonoriginalist interpretive methodology. I will do so, not by
     discerning the shadowy and often counterfactual "intentions" of the
     founding generation, but by presenting as comprehensively as I can
     what the founders actually said during the constitutional
     convention, in state ratification conventions, and immediately
     after ratification. These statements, taken cumulatively, leave no
     doubt that the founders contemplated judicial nullification of
     legislation enacted by the states and by Congress.
     In short, I shall demonstrate that the original meaning of the
     "judicial power" in Article III, included the power of judicial
     nullification. Many constitutional scholars who do not consider
     themselves to be originalists nevertheless acknowledge that
     originalism provides the starting point of constitutional
     interpretation or at least is a factor to be considered among
     others. It is equally important that these nonoriginalists are made
     aware of the substantial evidence that the original meaning of the
     "judicial power" included the power to nullify unconstitutional

   I do not claim that my essay can possibly cover the ground of
   Hamburger's massive study. But I do think our conclusions are similar:
   judicial nullification was widely understood to be included in the
   original meaning of "judicial power" to which Article III refers. But
   the modern conception of "judicial review" goes well beyond this.



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