Posted by Orin Kerr:
Arizona v. Johnson:

   Back in December, I [1]blogged about the oral argument in Arizona v.
   Johnson, a Fourth Amendment case on the stop-and-frisk power. As I
   wrote at the time, "[a]t its broadest level, the case raises the
   question of whether a police can 'pat down' a suspect for weapons if
   the office reasonably believes the suspect poses a danger to him but
   there is no evidence that there is criminal activity afoot."
     This morning the Supreme Court [2]handed down the decision in a
   unanimous opinion by Justice Ginsburg. The Court limited its opinion
   to how this power applies in a traffic stop setting. It held first
   that the Terry v. Ohio power to detain is met in a traffic stop
   setting "whenever it is lawful for police to detain an automobile and
   its occupants pending inquiry into a vehicular violation." In other
   words, a traffic violation is enough to trigger the Terry detention
   power. Second, "To justify a patdown of the driver or a passenger
   during a traffic stop, however, just as in the case of a pedestrian
   reasonably suspected of criminal activity, the police must harbor
   reasonable suspicion that the person subjected to the frisk is armed
   and dangerous." That is, the police can pat-down the passenger in a
   lawful traffic stop if the passenger is reasonably suspected of being
   dangerous regardless of what other crimes are suspected.
     This is a very short opinion, but off the top of my head I think
   there are some interesting issues going on here. First, there is the
   question of the constitutional status of traffic stops: Are they
   essentially Terry stops, or are they just regulatory stops justified
   by probable cause to believe a traffic violation occurred that don't
   trigger the Terry rules? This opinion suggests that the Court largely
   sees traffic stops as largely equivalent to Terry stops. Second, there
   is the question of when a traffic stop ends: The Court finds "nothing"
   to lead the passenger to believe the traffic stop had ended, which to
   my mind suggests that traffic stops are ordinarily going to be
   considered ongoing until the officer affirmatively indicates that it
   is over. There's more in there, but I'll put this post up for now and
   may return to the opinion later today.



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