Posted by Ann Southworth, guest-blogging:
Divided Constituencies and Their Lawyers:

   I devote two chapters of the book (3 & 4) to exploring differences
   among lawyers for the different constituencies. One chapter focuses on
   social background and values, and the other considers professional
   identity. It is difficult to summarize those chapters; they draw
   heavily from qualitative interview data to develop group portraits.
   But a few additional details might help answer some of the excellent
   comments I�ve received thus far � without, I hope, dampening readers�
   willingness to delve into the book.

   The suggestion that the lawyers I interviewed must work in Washington,
   D.C. is (roughly) half true. Thirty-four of the 72 interviewed lawyers
   worked in D.C. and D.C. suburbs, while 38 worked elsewhere. The
   geographic distribution of lawyers varied by constituency. Especially
   striking was that very few of the lawyers for social conservative
   organizations worked in D.C. Instead, they were heavily concentrated
   in the Southeast, Midwest and West, with many of them working outside
   of major metropolitan areas. Advocates for libertarian groups were
   mostly in D.C. and the West. All but a few of the lawyers for mediator
   groups and business organizations worked in major metropolitan areas
   -- most of them in D.C.

   There were also notable differences in the credentials held by these
   lawyers. The religious conservatives and abortion opponents were much
   more likely than lawyers for other constituencies to have attended
   religiously affiliated schools and less likely to have gone to schools
   ranked in the top twenty in the 2000U.S. News& World Report rankings.
   At the other end of the spectrum were lawyers for the mediator
   organizations, almost all of whom had attended top 20 law schools --
   mostly very elite ones. The educational backgrounds of the lawyers for
   libertarian and business organizations were more varied.

   The book also includes an analysis of foundation funding for the
   organizations served by the interviewed lawyers. I found that the
   organizations drew systematically from different sources of foundation
   funding, suggesting that the institutional patrons of conservative
   advocacy organizations are divided by constituency, just as the
   lawyers are. For example, there was no overlap among the top five
   foundation supporters of religious and pro-life groups on the one hand
   and business and libertarian groups on the other. Differences in the
   foundations� causes, in turn, reflected pronounced differences in the
   commitments of the founders and/or current administrators of the
   foundations, as reflected in the foundations� mission statements. By
   far the largest amount of foundation funding went to the mediator
   organizations, and the patrons of these groups were ideologically

   Another chapter of the book (5) identifies factors that might provide
   bases for understanding and perhaps cooperation among lawyers for the
   different constituencies: generational effects, shared disapproval of
   liberals, overlapping policy agendas, a common interest in remaking
   the judiciary, the Republican Party, shared professional status, and
   perceived disadvantage in the legal establishment. But I conclude that
   none of these elements of common ground is sufficient, independently
   or in combination, to overcome the differences in ideology and values
   documented in previous chapters.

   The especially elite and prominent lawyers working for mediator
   organizations, and the disproportionate amount of foundation money
   invested in those organizations, suggest that these organizations
   deserve a close look as possible sources of glue among lawyers for the
   different constituencies. I devote a whole chapter to these
   organizations, and I will focus on them in my next post.

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