Posted by Orin Kerr:
Commentary on Obama White House Counsel's Staff:

   A friend and former Bush Administration lawyer writes in with some
   interesting thoughts on the initial staffing of the [1]Obama White
   House Counsel's Office:

       The lawyers are all very accomplished, with pedigrees from elite
     universities and distinguished clerkships (Breyer and Stevens seem
     to be the biggest feeder judges). By my count, there are 4 Deputy
     White House Counsels, 1 Special Counsel, 14 Associate Counsels and
     4 Deputy Associate counsels. The total numbers aren't particularly
     out of line with past offices except for the George W. Bush White
     House Counsel's Office at the start, which had a total of only ten
     lawyers - one counsel, one deputy and eight associates. Bush's
     Counsel's office was quite different, and much larger, at the end
     of his term, once investigations started.
       Two things stand out about the new Counsel's Office staff. First,
     there are way more deputies than in the past, and the resumes of
     the deputies suggest that they will play a major role in policy
     development, possibly at the expense of the DOJ's OLC and other
     agencies. On the other hand, the Obama Administration has expanded
     the policy capacity of the White House staff in general (adding new
     policy czars in a number of areas), so perhaps the added number of
     legal deputies is simply necessary to address the internal White
     House needs of the new czars. Second and more puzzling, the new
     Counsel's Office will include a non-lawyer research director
     position -- staffed by a former campaign opposition research
     specialist. Hopefully journalists will press to find out why this
     position has been created. It could simply be a mechanism for rapid
     response on judicial nominations, but it could also signal a desire
     to run political opposition activity out of the legal shop, which
     would be very unfortunate.



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