Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Another Case Holding a Gun Control Provision of the Adam Walsh Act 

   I blogged about this issue [1]three weeks ago. Under [2]18 U.S.C. §
   3142(c)(1)(B), someone who is charged with possessing child
   pornography -- among other crimes -- and is freed on bail must be
   ordered not to possess any firearm. In late December, [3]U.S. v.
   Arzberger (S.D.N.Y.) concluded that this violated the Due Process
   Clause, largely because the right to bear arms is protected under the
   Second Amendment.

   A few weeks later I found another opinion, [4]U.S. v. Kennedy (W.D.
   Wash.) (Donohue, M.J.), which holds the same thing (it was decided
   earlier than Arzberger, but placed online later). Here's the
   magistrate judge's reasoning, which the [5]district judge (Richard A.
   Jones) approved without further analysis (paragraph break added):

     Pretrial Services recommends that Defendant be prohibited from
     possessing a firearm, which is a mandatory condition under the
     Walsh Act. In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court
     held that the Second Amendment created an individual right to
     possess firearms. In footnote 27, Justice Scalia noted that a law
     regulating a specific, enumerated right such as the right to keep
     and bear arms was subject to more than a rational basis level of

     If the government's position in this case is sustained, this
     constitutional right would be taken away not because of a
     conviction, but merely because a person was charged. This right
     would be lost notwithstanding a lack of showing that Defendant is a
     potentially violent individual, or that he even owns firearms.
     Certainly no particularized need has been established in this case
     that the Defendant should prohibited from possessing a firearm. As
     such, they will restrict his freedom to such a substantial degree
     that they do nonetheless implicate a protected liberty interest,
     which may not be revoked without according Defendant procedural due
     process; specifically, an individualized determination as to
     whether the onerous mandatory conditions are needed to assure the
     Defendant's future appearance or to avoid a danger to the
     community. No such determination has occurred here.

   Note that the magistrate's decision had a substantive effect, beyond
   just requiring the government to provide more evidence; the government
   apparently couldn't provide the evidence, so the defendant was
   released without the firearms restriction.

   By the way, here is [6]the government's argument for imposing the
   firearms restriction, and for reversing the magistrate's ruling:

     [T]here is no indication that the restriction on firearms will
     impose any burden on Defendant whatsoever, as Defendant has not
     contended that he has any need to possess or have access to
     firearms. Moreover, this condition will help ensure the safety of
     the community by restricting Defendant�s ability to harm himself or
     others by using a firearm....

     [C]riminal defendants, such as Defendant, who have been charged
     with a violent crime simply do not have a �fundamental right� to
     possess or have access to firearms. Accordingly, the condition
     precluding possession of firearms for the relatively brief time
     pending trial does not affect a fundamental liberty interest.

   There's no explanation for why simply being charged takes away a
   defendant's Second Amendment rights. (Note also that Kennedy's crime
   -- possession of child pornography -- is not a "violent crime" under
   any normal understanding of the term, though it is a serious crime.) I
   also put up [7]Kennedy's response to the motion, though it focuses on
   other matters.



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