Posted by Ilya Somin:
David Beito on Eminent Domain Abuse in Alabama:

   Historian David Beito, chair of the Alabama State Advisory Committee
   of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, has [1]a good op ed on eminent
   domain abuse in Alabama. Last year, Beito and I coauthored [2]an op ed
   on the negative impact of takings on minorities and the poor.

   The interesting thing about the cases discussed in Beito's current op
   ed is that Alabama actually enacted one of the nations' strongest
   post-Kelo eminent domain reform laws; after passing largely toothless
   reform legislation in 2005, the state legislature went back and
   enacted a much stronger reform in 2006. The 2006 law forbids
   condemnations for "economic development" and also limits "blight"
   condemnations, such that only genuinely dangerous or seriously
   dilapidated properties can be condemned under that rubric. I discuss
   the Alabama reform law in [3]this article, along with those passed by
   other states (the majority of which are ineffective).

   Some of the abusive condemnations Beito describes were initiated under
   "redevelopment" projects that were already in place at the time the
   2006 post-Kelo law was enacted. The law is not retroactive, and so it
   allowed those projects to go forward and continue to condemn property
   under the old, very broad, definition of "blight." This case, however,
   appears to be more recent:

     What is happening in the cradle of the modern civil rights
     movement? Jimmy McCall would like to know. 'It was more my dream
     house,' he laments, 'and the city tore it down ... It reminds me of
     how they used to mistreat black people in the Old South.' In 1955,
     Rosa Parks took on the whole system of Jim Crow by refusing to give
     up her seat on a segregated Montgomery bus. Today, McCall is waging
     a lonely battle against the same city government for another civil
     right: the freedom to build a home on his own land.

     Though McCall's ambitions are modest, he is exceptionally
     determined. For years, he has scraped together a living by
     salvaging rare materials from historic homes and then selling them
     to private builders. Sometimes months went by before he had a
     client. Finally, he had put aside enough to purchase two acres in
     Montgomery and started to build. . .

     McCall only earns enough money to build in incremental stages, but
     eventually his dream home took shape. According to a news story by
     Benjamin Solomon, the structure had 'the high slanted ceilings, the
     exposed beams of dark, antique wood. It looks like a charming,
     spacious home in the making.'

     But from the outset, the city showed unremitting hostility. He has
     almost lost count of the roadblocks it threw up including a
     citation for keeping the necessary building materials on his own
     land during the construction process.

     More seriously, he was charged under the state blight law, which
     allows a municipality to designate a building as a 'public
     nuisance' and then demolish it. Critics have accurately called this
     'eminent domain through the back door' and warn that opportunities
     for abuse are almost limitless. In contrast to the standard eminent
     domain process, for example, property owners do not have any right
     to compensation, even in theory.. . .

     Unlike countless others in similar straits, McCall fought back and
     hired an experienced local lawyer. In the middle of last year, he
     negotiated a court-enforced agreement, which gave him 18 months to
     complete the home. Only a month after the agreement took effect,
     the city demolished the structure. Local bureaucrats, obviously in
     a hurry to tear it down, did not even give him notice. The
     bulldozers came in the same day as the court order that authorized

     McCall appealed to the same judge who had allowed the demolition.
     Saying that she had been misled, the judge ordered the city to pay
     compensation. Montgomery has appealed and at this writing McCall
     has not received a cent. McCall thinks that the city intends to
     drag it out until his money runs out. 'I've got a lot of fight left
     in me, and all I want is justice,' he states.

   The [4]2006 reform law allows local governments to condemn property
   that creates a "public nuisance." However, it is doubtful whether
   McCall's house cold qualify as such. Under the Alabama Code, a
   "nuisance" is defined as[5] "anything that works hurt, inconvenience
   or damage to another." It is possible to interpret this so broadly as
   to include the "inconvenience" McCall caused to the developers who
   coveted his land by refusing to let them have it. However, this would
   render almost any use of land a "nuisance" so long as someone else
   covets the land for a different purpose. In any event, Alabama law
   also states that [6]"[a] public nuisance is one which damages all
   persons who come within the sphere of its operation, though it may
   vary in its effects on individuals. A private nuisance is one limited
   in its injurious effects to one or a few individuals." It is difficult
   to believe that McCall's house somehow "damages all persons who come
   within the sphere of its operation." At most, it is a private nuisance
   to "one or a few individuals" who might wish to use the property for
   other purposes - and even that claim would be a stretch. But Alabama
   law does not permit the government to condemn property merely because
   there is a private nuisance there.

   It's possible, of course, that there are some relevant other facts
   here that are as yet unknown to me. But the available evidence
   suggests that Montgomery's effort to take McCall's property violates
   state law. Unfortunately, the complex and difficult nature of the
   eminent domain process sometimes makes it hard for owners to resist
   even illegal takings.

   Beito and McCall emphasize that, as in the past, takings
   disproportionately victimize lower-income African-Americans. Unlike in
   the 1950s and 60s, today such condemnations are rarely motivated by
   racism as such. Rather, low-income blacks are often targeted because
   of their political weakness. Local governments and politically
   connected developers know that they often lack the resources and
   influence to put up a fight. For this reason, as the NAACP explained
   in its[7] amicus brief in Kelo, "[t]he burden of eminent domain has
   and will continue to fall disproportionately upon racial and ethnic
   minorities, the elderly, and economically disadvantaged."



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