Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Court Refuses To Order Restrictions on Reader Comments at Media Web Pages 
Related to Death Penalty Trial:

   This decision, in [1]State v. Cobbins -- the Christian/Newsom murder
   trial -- was handed down in mid-April, but I just saw it because it
   just got posted on Westlaw. So I thought I'd note it, especially since
   I haven't heard of any earlier cases on the subject:

     All defendants, at the hearing, requested that this Court order (1)
     media outlets to disable a portion of their websites (their
     internet forums) to prohibit web users from posting comments about
     any stories related to this case; (2) require media outlet internet
     users wishing to utilize the internet forums to use their true
     names and addresses; (3) or that this Court establish guidelines
     for acceptable comments on the internet forums and employ real-time
     monitors to ensure compliance. In [2]Defendant Cobbins' written
     motion, he asserts that the intensive media coverage generated by
     this case �has fueled hostile threats, accusation, and diatribes by
     the public ... directed toward [the defendant], his co-defendants,
     and toward the attorneys who have been appointed by this Court to
     represent the various defendants.�

     The written motions focus on the internet sites of local media and
     the public's ability to publish comments anonymously on those
     cites. Included in Defendant Cobbins' motion are various samples of
     comments posted by the public which discuss this case, the
     defendants, and the attorneys involved. Defendant Cobbins argues
     further in his motion that �[i]f the media cannot responsibly
     report, and/or monitor the public dissemination of its website
     content where such failure to monitor affects the effective
     representation of counsel for one or more defendants, it should not
     be allowed to further publicly disseminate information about this
     case.� He also asserts that �[w]hile the public has a right to be
     informed about these proceedings, that privilege will always be
     subservient to the constitutionally guaranteed right to receive
     effective assistance of counsel where one is charged with a capital
     crime.� ...

     In Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart, the Court established a
     three-part test to be used in determining whether a prior restraint
     is invalid; a trial court must determine (1) the nature and extent
     of pretrial publicity, (2) whether alternative measures would be
     likely to mitigate the effects of unrestrained pretrial publicity,
     and (3) how effectively a restraining order would operate to
     prevent the threatened danger.

     In this case, the publicity has been extensive, detailed, and
     arguably misleading at times from a legal perspective. The relief
     sought currently is not the complete bar of media coverage of the
     proceedings, but rather a bar to the sharing of ideas between
     citizens who read or listen to the local media reports concerning
     this case, who wish to make anonymous public comment on the same in
     the media internet forums.

     This Court has already granted alternative measures to mitigate the
     effects of unrestrained pretrial publicity by granting a change of
     venire to those defendants who have made the request; therefore,
     the juries who will hear and decide the charges will not be from
     the local media coverage area. The relief sought also would not
     necessarily effectively operate to prevent the threatened danger.
     Counsel asserts that the restraint is necessary to ensure the
     effective representation of the defendants. Only two media outlets
     intervened in these proceedings. The internet is not restricted to
     use by the media alone. Private citizens have access to and utilize
     the internet everyday to freely discuss and exchange ideas whether
     on the internet forums of the two media outlets or otherwise.

     Considering all the factors, this Court cannot find that disabling
     the internet forums of the media internet sites would be an
     appropriate restraint.

     In addition to and in the center of the issue of restraint and
     freedom of speech in this case is the issue of whether anonymous
     speech on these internet forums is protected and whether it should
     be restricted. The Supreme Court has recognized that the First
     Amendment protects anonymous speech....

     The right to speak anonymously extends to speech via the Internet.
     Internet anonymity facilitates the rich, diverse, and far ranging
     exchange of ideas. The �ability to speak one's mind� on the
     Internet �without the burden of the other party knowing all the
     facts about one's identity can foster open communication and robust
     debate.� People who have committed no wrongdoing should be free to
     participate in online forums without fear that their identity will
     be exposed under the authority of the court....

     So long as people are not committing any wrongdoing, they should be
     free to anonymously participate in the online forums. Accordingly,
     this Court does not find that any restraint on the internet forums
     would be appropriate in this case.

     In addition to the request by all four defendants discussed above,
     Defendant Cobbins' motion includes an alternative motion to allow
     counsel to withdraw due to the threatening nature of the comments
     made anonymously in the media.... In this capital case, this Court
     has called upon some of this area's finest defense attorneys to
     represent the named defendants. At this court's request, the
     attorneys have graciously, and at great personal sacrifice,
     accepted these appointments and are zealously representing their
     clients as they are required to do by law. As pointed out by
     counsel, fees paid in appointed cases do not compare with the fees
     received by most attorneys in non-appointed cases. This Court
     greatly appreciates the sacrifices made by the members of the bar,
     on both sides of the courtroom, who accept this Court's
     appointments and who assist in the pursuit of justice. Without the
     dedication of these attorneys, our criminal justice system could
     not function.

     At the hearing, Assistant District Attorney Leland Price announced
     that the State stands ready to investigate and/or prosecute anyone
     who anonymously or otherwise engages in criminal conduct toward any
     person, be it attorney, victim's family member, court personnel or
     otherwise. While this court understands counsel's concerns with the
     various general comments in the media concerning attorneys in this
     case, this court does not find that any of the comments rise to a
     level which would require allowing counsel to withdraw at this

   This seems to me the right result. I'm generally skeptical of speech
   restrictions aimed at preventing jurors from being prejudiced at
   trial; and courts are as well. The Supreme Court in Nebraska Press
   Ass'n v. Stuart (1976) has held that in principle such restrictions
   may be permissible, but it set up a pretty stringent test that must be
   passed before they can imposed met (quoted above), and my sense is
   that in practice courts very rarely impose them. I recognize that
   jurors may hear things about the case that they shouldn't hear --
   rumors, allegations, information about excluded evidence, and so on.
   But judges should be able to do a pretty good job of persuading jurors
   to set that aside, and to focus on what they hear in the courtroom.
   All of us are familiar in our daily lives with rumors that prove to be
   false, newspaper accounts that omit important details, media accounts
   that we mishear because we aren't closely focused on them, and so on.
   Jury instructions that remind jurors of that, and remind them to pay
   attention only to things that they hear in court, that they can focus
   on and remember well, and that are subject to cross-examination
   shouldn't be hard to accept or counterintuitive. They won't be
   perfect, but I suspect they should be fairly reliable, especially
   since they come from a high-authority figure that jurors are likely to
   view positively.

   But whatever one might say about the risk of incurable juror prejudice
   from media accounts, it would apply least to user comments, especially
   anonymous ones. Such comments are so low in credibility that it's hard
   for me to see jurors being much influenced by them, especially in the
   face of instructions from a judge that explain why such out-of-court
   sources should be ignored. So the judge's conclusion here strikes me
   as entirely correct on this.

   Threats to lawyers are a different matter, and certainly something
   that jury instructions can't cure. Nonetheless, the risk that a few
   speakers might use online comments to threaten lawyers doesn't
   justify, I think, imposing special restrictions on all speakers (or
   even all anonymous speakers); and people who really want to seriously
   threaten lawyers would still be able to threaten them even if comments
   are shut down on certain articles at various media sites. Plus
   requiring people to use their accurate names and addresses isn't
   self-enforcing; certainly the newspaper can't practically enforce
   that. So someone who wants to threaten someone would still be able to
   do so, just using a false name and address -- the proposed orders
   wouldn't really prevent such threats, except insofar as they might
   catch a few of the most foolish threateners.



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