Posted by Kenneth Anderson:
Is Wonk-Snark the New Genre?  Unkind Thoughts About Ezra Klein

   I guess [1]Ezra Klein's latest column - post? - whatever, wherein he
   deems himself up to [2]taking on Greg Mankiw, is the right time for a
   question that has popped up whenever I have considered the trajectory
   of young Ezra.

   Would Klein be a better writer/thinker/pundit/blogger/wonk/whatever if
   he had actually done some of the "reporting" stuff, factual reporting
   stuff, basic beat reporting stuff, that, as I sort of remember, was
   how in the old days of journalism, one clawed one's way up to the
   lofty heights that Klein has scaled in a couple of years of pure
   opinionating? Was there some value to having to labor, so to speak, in
   the plains of fact-gathering before getting a perch to express one's
   many views?

   Klein's career has consisted entirely, so far as I can tell, of
   delivering himself of many opinions. In an age in which (a) the front
   pages of newspapers increasingly consist of precisely that and (b) the
   internet emerged as a forum for disseminating oneself individually and
   one's opinions as a career option, he has Done Well. Or as well as one
   can do by shoehorning oneself on the strength of one's own internet
   brand into the ... money-losing, dinosaur-media, Kaplan-supported
   Washington Post. I imagine Klein will milk it until that franchise is
   no longer valuable enough and then move on to colonize some other
   medium - I see forms of communication that require less writing and
   more talking, more visual stuff, in his future. Or wherever the money
   is in offering opinions. My suggestion? Subcontract the book; you're
   more a short-form kind of writer.

   But I find it hard to believe that his older journalistic peers at the
   Post and in the profession do not think privately to themselves that,
   although his political progressivism makes him not really attackable,
   just as a career figure, they must think to themselves that he might
   be improved had he done something besides go directly from junior high
   school to internet "public policy" columnist. He and I both graduated
   from UCLA - I didn't know they had a major in pontification. Do they
   hand out diplomas from the college of "Generic Expert"? B.E., Bachelor
   of Expert degrees?

   It is, of course, not outside the realm of possibility that Ezra,
   Young Turk, is possessed of a keener analytic mind than Greg Mankiw;
   I'm not opining here on substance, but only on the seemliness of
   career track. It's the realm of possibility, however, in which Spock
   has a goatee.

   The problem, however, is that his is a career track that thrives on
   high level, refined, abstract bickering among experts and talking
   heads. Pick a fight with Greg Mankiw and hope that he responds so that
   you can show your general worldly relevance and audience connection.
   That's the currency you're selling to the WaPo, at the end of the day,
   the heat, not the light. Including the snidification I'm producing
   here - how do we put it on the internet, "Don't feed the trolls"?

   Ezra Klein could, I emphasize, be right as to the substance of every
   position he takes. That's not what fascinates me about him. It's
   instead the business model from which he springs, full grown, as it
   were, skipping over working in and thereby learning something directly
   about the world in its myriad ways, and going directly to opining
   about it. And free of any disciplinary restraint, unless one really
   thinks of generic "policy" as a discipline or a constraint.



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