Posted by Kenneth Anderson:
International Criminal Court Prosecutor Opens Probe into Afghanistan NATO 

   The Wall Street Journal reports today that the prosecutor�s office of
   the International Criminal Court has begun opening investigations into
   allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity by NATO forces,
   including US forces, in Afghanistan. The report said that the
   prosecutor said that it was also probing alleged violations by the
   Taliban. ([1]Joe Lauria, �Court Orders Probe of Afghanistan Attacks,�
   WSJ, September 10, 2009.)

     The prosecutor said forces of the North Atlantic Treaty
     Organization � which include U.S. servicemen � could potentially
     become the target of an ICC prosecution, as the alleged crimes
     would have been committed in Afghanistan, which has joined the
     war-crimes court. However, every nation has the right to try its
     own citizens for the alleged crimes, and the ICC can step in only
     after determining a national court was unable or unwilling to
     pursue the case.

   Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the ICC prosecutor, said in remarks Wednesday

     The ICC�s preliminary inquiry is �very complex,� Mr. Ocampo said.
     The court is trying to assess allegations of crimes including
     �massive attacks,� collateral damage and torture, he said, adding
     that his investigators were getting information from human-rights
     groups in Afghanistan and from the Afghan government.

   Anyone following the news from Afghanistan has a good idea of what the
   NATO actions in question are:

     Mr. Ocampo�s remarks come after NATO forces this week acknowledged
     that civilians were among the dozens killed in an airstrike on two
     hijacked fuel trucks. They were struck by U.S. warplanes after
     being called in by German ground command.

     The killings were the latest in a series of U.S. airstrikes that
     have inadvertently killed Afghan civilians, U.S. officials say.

   Leave aside the obvious political questions of the position this puts
   the Obama administration in, with regards to its oft-stated goal of
   getting more cooperative with, if not actually joining, the ICC. The
   more important legal question is what kinds of violations of the laws
   of war would be at issue? Moreno-Ocampo gave some indication in his
   remarks (emphasis added):

     Mr. Ocampo said that under certain circumstances, so-called
     collateral damage � the inadvertent killing of civilians in a
     military strike � could be prosecuted as a war crime. �It�s very
     complicated,� Mr. Ocampo said. �War crimes are under my
     jurisdiction. I cannot say more now because we are just collecting

   That Ocampo would address directly as an issue, up-front, the
   prosecution of excessive but inadvertent collateral damage as such -
   inadvertent killing - as a war crime, rather than intentional,
   categorical violations of the laws of war such as the direct targeting
   of civilians, raises the legal stakes very considerably ....


   There are several possibilities of violations of the laws of war that
   might fall under this category - violations of the principle of
   distinction, for example, or, under Protocol I standards (to which the
   US is not party and not all of which it regards as binding customary
   law), failure to warn or separate out the civilian population in
   advance of an attack, which invoke some notion of intentional or
   negligent wrong doing. Underlying these issues, as well as
   constituting a separate issue, is proportionality jus in bello - the
   question of whether the reasonably anticipated civilian harm is
   excessive in relation to the reasonably anticipated benefits of the

   As it happens, I am writing these days on the issue of
   proportionality, and so I am naturally deeply interested - and deeply
   skeptical. Violations of these kinds are frequently asserted by human
   rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch in its various Gaza and
   other reports. But in the post-war period, I am not aware (and once a
   couple of years ago was able to put a squad of highly paid law firm
   associates to the task of looking up stuff) of any case that
   specifically claimed, over the traditional �commander�s battlefield
   discretion,� even to prosecute a violation of proportionality as such,
   let alone a conviction for such a case. As international criminal
   lawyer Kevin Jon Heller remarked in an Opinio Juris post some months
   ago on a related question, although possible in theory, it seems
   pretty unlikely in practice.

   To be clear, the kind of "disproportionality" at issue has, first,
   nothing to do with simple comparing numbers of casualties (e.g.,
   number of Israelis killed in rocket attacks versus numbers of
   Palestianians killed in Gaza or Lebanon armed actions). These
   comparisons are often made in the press, sometimes in academic
   discussions, and elsewhere, but they do not go to the legal issue of
   proportionality jus in bello.

   Second, moreover, the kind of disproportionality at issue here is not
   the question of �wanton destruction and disproportionate devastation
   not justified by military necessity.� That second is a question of
   intentional wantonness or wanton and reckless negligence in which, in
   the extreme case, no effort was made even to determine whether the
   military action had a military necessity or how that measured up
   against civilian damage. The issue in the case of genuine inadvertence
   is where the commander did make an effort to weigh up likely
   consequences - and the prosecutor now proposes to second guess. There
   is a good reason why no one, so far as I know, has sought to prosecute
   the commander�s good faith judgment after the fact.

   It is, to say the least, remarkable to me that the ICC prosecutor
   would even consider such a thing now. The issue was raised following
   Kosovo, and the prosecutor there declined to go forward after a
   preliminary investigation. But a big part of the reason why the
   prosecutor declined to go forward was on account of the paucity of
   legal standards by which even to evaluate a claim of criminal action
   based upon a commander�s good faith exercise of battlefield
   discretion. In other words, it was not merely a factual problem, it
   was a lack of legal standards on which to proceed with individual
   criminal liability. I fail to see what has changed that would convince
   the prosecutor that he has any better set of legal standards now.

   In any case, I can imagine nearly no ICC issue on which a deeper wedge
   could be driven between the ICC and even the Obama administration. A
   good faith commander�s judgment? One can, of course, try to redescribe
   the same facts as a failure to attempt to distinguish or a failure to
   warn - this is a standard legal analysis in, for example, HRW reports
   on Gaza addressing targeted killing, and presumably because, at least
   on the surface, the effect is to shift legal analysis from "weighing
   up" to "categorical" issues of intentionality. But that's not
   persuasive; these analyses under discrimination and distinction and
   duties to warn turn out, under pressure, to be just as much weighing
   up. Of course they would be, going directly to the same facts.

   But all this winds up putting the Obama administration in the same
   position of having the ICC prosecutor "probing" the battlefield
   judgments made in good faith by US commanders. In one sense, I
   suppose, the politics of the situation are oddly easy for the
   administration�s leading transnationalist lawyers - Harold Koh, Sarah
   Cleveland, others - because this can be seen as so far beyond what the
   US would regard as acceptable that it is easy for them to denounce
   this, while holding open possibilities on other issues such as
   extra-territorial application of the ICCPR or other things; it might
   provide a convenient route for transnationalist lawyers to establish
   sovereigntist bona fides. But maybe not. Maybe this amounts to just a
   repeat of what happened in the Kosovo probe, in which a probe was
   initiated and closed without any forward movement. Maybe that is what
   Ocampo is holding out for. I�m not very clever about the politics of
   these things. If there are knowledgeable commenters who have a sense
   of what is going on either in the US government, NATO, or the ICC
   prosecutor, I would be grateful to hear about it in the comments.

   What I am clear about is that this question is the moral and legal
   argument of much modern war between a well armed state adversary and
   an insurgent, in reductio. The insurgent resorts to violations of
   categoricals, such as attacks directly aimed upon civilians, or the
   use of human shields, or other violations that are against categorical
   rules. The state and its army engage in attacks that raise questions,
   among the human rights monitors, the ICC prosecutor, and others, that
   the attacks were in some way, some sense or other, disproportionate.
   Not categorical violations, but claims of violations that involve, by
   their nature, legal judgments weighing up radically different things,
   civilian harm and military advantage. Moreover, the kinds of possible
   violations of the laws of war that can be contemplated here all raise
   issues entirely relevant to targeted killing via Predator -
   distinction, failure to warn civilians, excessive civilian harm, etc.

   Readers of my academic work understand that I am no great fan of the
   ICC. Still, I cannot imagine that it can be in the ICC�s legal or
   political interest to seek to cross that bridge as a matter of
   individual criminal liability; I equally understand that this trope is
   at the heart of contemporary conflict between states and non-state
   actors. (Cross posted in somewhat different form from Opinio Juris;
   I'll go back and try to add some more links later.)



   2. file://localhost/var/www/powerblogs/volokh/posts/1252632217.html
   3. file://localhost/var/www/powerblogs/volokh/posts/1252632217.html

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