Posted by Ilya Somin:
Political Ignorance and Jewish Perceptions of tConservatives and the Religious  

   In a [1]recent post, co-blogger David Bernstein rightly takes me to
   task for omitting political ignorance from my analysis of Jewish
   perceptions of the religious right. David suggests that Jews may
   overestimate the prevalence of anti-Semitism among Christian
   conservatives, and that this may account for part of their distaste
   for them.

   The survey data support David's conjecture. This [2]2005 American
   Jewish Committee survey shows that American Jews, on average, view
   "Evangelical Protestants" as more anti-Semitic than any other group,
   with the exception of Muslims. 28% of Jewish respondents in the AJC
   survey thought that "many" or "most" evangelicals are anti-Semitic,
   and an additional 44% thought that "some" are. Only 23% answered "very
   few" or "none." By contrast, only 19% thought that "many" or "most"
   African-Americans are anti-Semitic, only 15% thought that of
   Catholics, and only 7% of Hispanics. In reality, ADL surveys show that
   anti-Semitism among evangelicals is [3]comparable to the national
   average, and National Election study data [4]show that evangelicals,
   on average, view Jews slightly more favorably than do other gentiles
   (though the difference is not statistically significant). By
   contrast,[5] anti-Semitism among African-Americans and Hispanics is
   significantly higher than the national average (though a majority of
   both groups is not anti-Semitic, and among Hispanics the divergence
   from the national average is largely a result of anti-Semitism among
   Hispanics born in Latin America, where anti-Semitism is far more
   common than in the US).

   Obviously, evangelical Protestants and the religious right are not
   identical. But there is a high overlap between the two groups, and
   negative attitudes towards one are likely to be correlated with
   hostility to the other. If anything, I would bet that the AJC study
   would have recorded a higher perceived level of anti-Semitism if they
   had asked Jews their opinions about the "religious right."

   As I have argued in [6]my academic work, political ignorance is both
   rational and widespread. So we should not be surprised that that many
   Jews might be ignorant about the true prevalence of anti-Semitism
   among Christian conservatives. Political ignorance is not a
   specifically Jewish pathology. Rather, it cuts across ethnic,
   religious and political lines. Surveys of evangelicals and
   conservatives reveal all kinds of political ignorance among these
   groups as well.

   An interesting question is whether Jews would be less hostile to the
   religious right and conservatism more generally if they had a more
   accurate perception of the prevalence of anti-Semitism in those
   quarters. I think some of the hostility might disappear, but not as
   much as we might think. Even if Jews did not perceive Christian
   conservatives as more anti-Semitic than they really are, there would
   still be vast cultural and ideological differences between the two
   groups that would lead many Jews to be hostile to a political movement
   closely associated with the religious right. Moreover, some of the
   Jewish overestimation of evangelical anti-Semitism might be a result
   of the antagonism between the two groups. [7]Many studies show that
   people tend to devalue or ignore any information that makes their
   political adversaries look good, while overvaluing anything that looks
   bad. Some Jews might accept exaggerated claims of anti-Semitism among
   Christian conservatives in part because they already dislike them for
   other reasons. Similarly, people tend to reject information that makes
   their political allies look bad. That may help explain why liberal
   Jews might underestimate the relatively high rate of anti-Semitism
   among [8]key Democratic constituencies such as African-Americans,
   foreign-born Hispanics, people with very low levels of education, and
   the poor (though it is important to note yet again that the majority
   of each of these groups is not anti-Semitic).

   A second way in which ignorance might affect Jewish perceptions of
   conservatives and the religious right is that Jews may overestimate
   the extent to which these groups want to establish Christianity as a
   quasi-official religion, persecute religious minorities, ban the
   teaching of evolution, and so on. While some Christian conservatives
   seek to make the US an officially "Christian nation" and otherwise
   subordinate minority faiths, many others have far more limited
   objectives, such as legalizing government-sponsored religious
   displays, permitting voluntary prayer sponsored by public schools, and
   so on. Even the more moderate version of the Christian conservative
   agenda is at odds with [9]the social liberalism of most Jews (and my
   own views as well). But understanding the true nature of the
   mainstream religious right agenda might lead some Jews to be more
   willing to ally with conservatives on economic and foreign policy
   where a large minority of Jews might agree with them. However, it's
   hard to say how important this factor without looking at actual survey
   data on Jewish perceptions of the religious right political agenda.

   In sum, I think a more accurate understanding of the religious right
   would lead only to a modest reduction in Jewish distaste for them. But
   it might cause some Jews who agree with conservatives on economic and
   foreign policy issues to be more willing to ally with them in spite of
   a continuing dislike of the religious right element of the
   conservative political coalition. It's unthinkable for many Jews to
   even consider allying with a group perceived as a bunch of troglodyte
   anti-Semitics who want to make Christianity the official religion. An
   alliance of convenience with people who are not anti-Semitic
   theocrats, but merely (from secular Jews' point of view) badly
   mistaken about various social issues, is less inconceivable.



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