Posted by John Elwood:
Two More OLC Opinions Published:

   I spent the weekend in idyllic Orkney Springs, VA. After I left on
   Friday, the Office of Legal Counsel released two more opinions, both
   concerning "Einstein 2.0," which sounds a little like a kid movie
   sequel ("Beethoven's 2d," anyone?), but actually is a cybersecurity
   initiative used to protect civilian unclassified networks in the
   Executive Branch against malicious network activity.

   The [1]first opinion is a 35 pager signed during the waning days of
   the Bush Administration, which concludes that Einstein 2.0 complies
   with the Fourth Amendment, Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and
   Safe Streets Act of 1968, FISA, the Stored Communications Act, and the
   pen register and trap and trace provisions of the U.S. Code, provided
   that log-on banners or computer-user agreements are consistently
   adopted, implemented, and enforced by agencies using the system.

   The [2]second opinion, which is much shorter (just a hair over 5
   pages), was signed August 14, 2009. It states that "[w]e have reviewed
   that opinion and agree that the operation of the EINSTEIN 2.0 program
   complies with" those provisions, which I guess isn't to be assumed
   nowadays, and also goes on to conclude that operation of Einstein does
   not run afoul of state wiretapping or communications privacy laws.
   Most of the opinion discusses the reasonable expectations of privacy
   of system users.

   Publication of the August 14 opinion is the best indication yet that
   the current OLC is making it a priority to quickly publish those
   opinions it intends to publish.

   The opinions received some press coverage. The most in-depth article
   was in the [3]Washington Post.



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