On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 04:04:39PM -0800, Randy Evans wrote:
> KiCad looks very good and I downloaded it to try it out.  

Make sure to get the 'latest' version, it really makes
a difference compared to older versions.

> However, does anyone have a good, low-cost PCB fab house 
> to recommend? 

I can recommend OSHpark as pooling service if you do not
need the boards urgently or have specific requirements
regarding layers or vias or whatnot.

> I am designing a voltage reference programmable fro 0 to 
> 10 volts with a LTZ1000 reference and settabiltiy of 
> 0.1ppm and I need a PCB fabbed.

I've done quite a number of PCBs via OSHpark, from small
breakout boards up to quite complicated FPG solutions 
used in a 4k cinema camera.

The essential points with OSHpark are (in a nutshell):

 - drill sizes are "optimized" i.e. they have certain
   tolerances and you will not always get what you expect..
 - you have to use one of the three different stackups 
   if you like them or not :)
 - there is no electrical test for the PCBs
 - there is no impedance control done by OSHpark
 - you always get multiples of three boards
 - the boards are purple with white silkscreen and
   ENIG finish on the pads.

Hope that helps,

PS: if you have more detailed questions, do not hesitate
    to ask me ...

> Thanks,
> Randy Evans AE6YG

> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 5:22 AM, Herbert Poetzl <herb...@13thfloor.at>
> wrote:

>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 04:39:36PM -0800, Randy Evans wrote:
>>> Does anyone have experience with PCBArtist?

>> Sorry, no PCBArtist experience here.

>>> It looks pretty good for 2-layer board up to 60
>>> in^2 for $33 but I have no experience with it.

>>> I was looking at Eagle PCB but it's pretty expensive
>>> for a 4-layer capability version.

>> A litte apples and oranges here :)

>> The Eagle Light version can be used for free for
>> non-profit purposes and works for up to 4x3.2inch
>> with two layers.

>> If you don't have any personal preference, then
>> KiCad is definitely the way to go. It has improved
>> dramatically since it got the CERN treatment and
>> doesn't cost a cent regardless of size and layers.

>> Best,
>> Herbert

>>> Thanks,

>>> Randy Evans AE6YG
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