Yes, that's the mod that I'm looking to do. I got a PCB from Andreas Bergmann (he's on this list frequently) for postage from Germany. Good quality board.

All of the parts used on the board are readily available, except for a set of the Elco contacts. I sent an email to AVX a couple days ago, but after more reading on the EEVBLOG thread, I don't hold much hope that those contacts will still be available. Possibly a surplus store or hamfest will be the only possible remaining source.

Might be possible to salvage the contacts from the old chopper board, which is pretty much useless as it is, because the chopper is totally dead (got good drive, but totally dead).

Not all of the contact positions are actually used, so there's a bit of a fudge factor there. I think that 5 of the positions are not used by the circuit.. The board from Andreas is a 2-sided board with plated-through holes, so that will offer some mechanical strength for the contacts.

Dave M

roman wrote:
Re your chopper board upgrade - are you looking at the design from I have been thinking about the chopper as
part of my ongoing project to "improve" my 332B. I have some
questions about the chopper - is this a good place, or is it better
to start a thread on eevblog (or somewhere else)?

-----Original Message-----
From: volt-nuts [] On Behalf Of Dave
M Sent: Sunday, 30 July 2017 5:45 AM
To: FEBO Volt-Nuts; Yahoo Fluke_DMM
Subject: [volt-nuts] Need Fluke 332B PCB contacts

Does anyone have any surplus (or for sale) of the bifurcated contacts
used on the PCB assemblies in a Fluke 332B DC Voltage Standard?
They're identified as ELCO/AVX Varicon Series 5208 contacts, p/n

Need at least 16 of them for an upgraded chopper amp replacement
board, needed to get my 332B back in operation.

Dave M

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