On 19 April 2018 at 16:42, <acb...@gmx.de> wrote:

> -a calibration certificate without uncertainsties is totally useless. in
> is not even a calibration.

Having bought the meter, it is not so useless if it tells me it is working
or not, but I do have some concerns I must admit.

> -I have never understood why people are so keen on getting things
> calibrated at Keysight.

Well, quite simply there's nobody else I would trust to calibrate much of
the Agilent equipment. I did contact one UKAS acredited lab, who quoted to
calibrate loads of bits of my equipment, but declined this meter. But when
I checked the companies uncertainties, I was totally unimpressed. For
example, their uncertainty on capacitance at 1 MHz was well in excess of
0.05%, yet they quoted to calibrate the meter, which has a basic
uncertainty of 0.05%. I also found their prices were much higher than

Most companies are not going to be able to adjust Agilent stuff if it is
out of spec anyway, as often the software to make the adjustments is not
available. So I'm not convinced there is any half-sensible alternative.

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