Clearly Rossi has released more than sufficient for those skilled in the art to 
reproduce his work(s) and the anomalous heat. You specify in your endorsement 
of Ahern that he has reproduced Rossi as well as others. So how is it you have 
seen ‘no proof’ from Rossi. Your posts are proof positive that you are engaging 
in semantic trolling. Such childish and/or senile grumblings about Rossi’s 
‘independent’ verifiers is pure nonsense for anyone with experience in 
developing technologies. Rossi is following well established traditions in his 
work and indeed is far more revealing than virtually any pioneer technologist 
at this stage of the game. 


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 2:07 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Open Letter from Brian Ahern


Wait a minute. What is the need for a secret, when there is no scientific proof 
of an anomaly? I have seen no proof from Rossi, have you? 


Let Rossi prove through an independent third party that there is a valid 
thermal anomaly in the E-Cat, then Ahern can be criticized for complaining 
about not knowing the secret of the anomaly. 


From: Russ George 


It seems Brian is revealing his curmudgeon characteristics. He is clearly 
frustrated and petulant that Rossi won’t give him the secrets of his e-cat 
master chef recipes. There are very good medications for the treatment of 
senile agitation these days.  



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