-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell 

Nagel: "Given the input water flow of about 150 grams each half minute ..."

OK, here is one more suspicious detail to check on, for anyone inclined -
the flow rate. This assumption of 300g/min above could be way off.

According to an excellent experimentalist, all the water being circulated
through the reactor is being pumped by the yellow pump shown in the second
section. That yellow pump is made by LMI and is a model LMI-AA-xxx. They
have a website, and specify the maximum and minimum pumping capacities for
all AA models. 

The minimum capacity is based on 1 cycle/minute, and Focardi's pump was
operating at approx 1 cycle/sec, so an upper limit can be placed on the
volume of water pumped. Using LMI's highest volume AA model pump at 1
cycle/sec yields .9 liter/hour, or approx 900 grams/hour. 

This far less than claimed.
>From there it is easy to determine the amount of energy necessary to heat
and boil 900 grams of water. The result is 328 Kj/hr to heat  (Delta t = 87
C) and 2031 Kj/hr to boil. Dividing the sum of 328+2013 by 3600 yields the
power in watts or about 656W. This number is ~10% or Focardi's energy claim.

Could someone please pass this on to whoever is looking into this kind of


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